Boy meets puppy with no front legs then makes her wheelchair out of legos that changes her life

It’s so sad to see abandoned pets. Oftentimes, these animals are dumped in a hopeless place- hungry, scared, and alone.

Pexels/Kenneth Source: Pexels/Kenneth

Sometimes, owners surrender their pets to shelters because they are no longer financially capable to cater to their pet’s needs. While some do it because their pet is disabled and they do not want to burden themselves in living with it.

This is what happened to Gracie, a puppy with a birth defect.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

Her family abandoned her in a vet office when they found out about her deformity.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

Gladly, she was rescued but soon it showed that she was not in good shape.

She was missing the fur below her eyes and she was covered in maggots.

Patches of fur were also missing on her cute little paws and tiny tail.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

Little Gracie was unfortunately born with a rare genetic defect in which she did not develop her two front legs.

Her rescuers knew that the poor puppy was in for a continuous challenge in life.

To save Gracie’s future, they decided to reach out to Mostly Mutts Animal Rescue, a local rescue shelter that’s destined to change her life for the better – forever.

They say that when a door closes, a window opens. That’s what happened to Gracie, and for her, life has just begun.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

Our amazing little Gracie got another shot at a better life when the Turley family adopted her.

The Turley’s are not an ordinary family, they are the kind owners of Mostly Mutts. Their family has personally dedicated their lives attending to animals with special needs.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

Gracie blended perfectly with her two new fur siblings- a brother and a sister.

The Turley’s own two other pups with special needs: one is a little boy whose rear legs are paralyzed, and the second one is a three-legged little girl pooch.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

Despite their disabilities, they can still play together.

Their physical defects didn’t bother them at all. They stood strong and proud and they continued living their lives to the fullest.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

Making things better for Gracie, one step at a time.

The Turley family loved Gracie with all their hearts but at the same time, they worried about her well-being. As a little pup, she was still too young and tiny to qualify for a wheelchair fitting.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

However, it still got them scared about her, because not having a wheelchair might give her injuries and worse- her spine could be misaligned if she doesn’t posture up properly.

The first huge surprise of her life.

Gracie was just a pup then, they knew that pretty soon she’d eventually grow and that she needed something innovative to help her condition.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

That was the moment when they asked for another pair of hands and a huge heart to help them.

A 12-year-old boy who’s also a volunteer at the shelter named Dylan stepped up to help Gracie.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

He came up with a brilliant idea to help the little pup have a better life.

Dylan made a custom wheelchair for Gracie- a wheelchair made out of Legos.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

Just a week after, he was able to build a wheelchair that’s both flexible and adjustable to accommodate Gracie’s growth.

Gracie was scared with the improvised-wheelchair at first, but she soon became comfortable with it- especially when she finally got the chance to run easily with its help.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

Gracie loved her wheelchair!

She’s overwhelmed with joy, and can’t help but to run freely in it.

She soon outgrew her wheelchair, but the good thing was that Dylan was there to save the day for her.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

He then designed a second model of a Lego wheelchair that could lift Gracie’s body higher. Sadly, he needed to redo the second model because it required bigger wheels.

Dylan finally built a third model that fit the legless puppy perfectly.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

And soon, Gracie had her first real wheelchair.

When Gracie reached a year old, she was then able to get her own real wheelchair- though the Lego model was also a good version, this time it was for real.

All thanks to Joey Paws and Ruff Rollin Chairs, she now has her permanent wheelchair.

YouTube/Amazing Gracie Source: YouTube/Amazing Gracie

Though Gracie can freely walk even without her wheels, her custom-made wheelchair still protects her chest from any kind of injury and the possible misalignment of her spine.

Gracie deserves love just like any other dog and now that she’s with the Turley’s, we’re sure that she will always have more than enough.

Dylan, on the other hand, is a hero in the making! With his genuine love and creativity, he will surely go a long way.

Watch Gracie run free for the first time in her custom Lego wheelchair in the video below.

Source: Animal Channel, Amazing Gracie
