Boy asks friend "Why is your mom white & you're brown?" – mom overhears son's beautiful reply

Jessica Satterfield has been faced with some serious obstacles in her life, but she handled them with grace and kindness. Even more importantly, it seems like she has managed some seriously sweet children.

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Satterfield and her husband are wonderful parents of three adopted children — two boys and a girl. Together, they are a diverse family that celebrates everyone, no matter what the color of their skin is. For these parents, skin color is the least of their worries… It is simply not what matters.

The two have been married for eleven years and unfortunately, have not been able to have children. They tried IUI’s more than once and all of them proved to be unsuccessful, so they decided to go with another great option: adoption.

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Soon, they went on to adopt three beautiful children who would become the most important part of their lives.

Jessica shared that most times, she forgets that the children are adopted. She clarifies that she thinks about their biological mothers every day and constantly expresses gratitude for the incredible gifts they have been given, yet at the same time, the children truly just feel like hers. She doesn’t see what some other people might see. To her, they are simply her children… It doesn’t feel like she’s babysitting someone else’s or anything like that.

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“I glanced in the mirror one night when I was putting my children to bed and suddenly remembered that I didn’t grow them in my belly when I saw our reflection staring back at us,” Jessica said. “It might sound weird that I forget that my children are adopted, but I do. Because to me, they’re just my children.”

Instagram Source: Instagram

While Jessica does not see their situation as a problem, it doesn’t mean that they don’t deal with uncomfortable social situations on a consistent basis. The family will often get judgmental looks from strangers when they are in public…

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But Jessica has a wonderful outlook on this. She chooses to believe that strangers stare because they think their family is beautiful.

One time at a restaurant, a man even approached the family to let them know they were beautiful… So there are upsides that come with the downsides, much like any situation!

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“When I look at my sweet children, even though we celebrate them, I don’t always notice our differences. I just see my children, the ones I waited on for so long, the ones I prayed for, and dreamed about.”

When one of their sons was new to the family, another young boy walked up to the family at a park and asked, “Why is your mom white and you’re brown?”

This could have been a disaster, but Jessica’s son responded in the most perfect way. So perfect, it brought his proud mother to tears.

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“Families don’t have to match to be a family. What makes a family is their love,” her son said.

Jessica raised him well, and it just proves that love is stronger than anything else. It really is the only thing that matters. Naturally, her heart exploded after he said that!

Jessica and her husband want to prepare their children for the real world. They want them to be able to answer the hard-hitting questions that will be thrown their way… But it looks like they are doing a fabulous job so far.

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Source: Shareably / Love What Matters
