Mom sees her son with his head bent down then realizes he's praying for his grandpa

If there’s one thing that’ll touch a mom’s heart, it’s seeing her child pray without being prompted. Knowing a child takes the initiative to do something so profound is as good as it gets. That’s what happened to one mother but when she discovered the reason her son was praying. That touched her heart even more.

Fighting COVID-19

As you know, the coronavirus has turned a lot of people’s lives upside down. It’s cost individuals their jobs, homes, and in some instances, loved family members and friends. For one young boy named Owen from Atlanta, Georgia, several members of his family had become infected.

Facebook/Brandee Hanes Source: Facebook/Brandee Hanes

Missing his grandpa

Even for such a young boy, it saddened him that he couldn’t visit people. It was especially hard that he couldn’t go see his grandpa who’d been in the hospital for over a month. The two were close so this bothered the boy a lot.

Unsplash/Javier Matheu Source: Unsplash/Javier Matheu

Everyone was getting sick

In this boy’s family, his aunt, uncle, cousin, grandma, and grandpa had all come down with something. Come to find out, it was COVID-19. Although they all experienced different symptoms, the test proved their worst nightmare.

Facebook/Brandee Hanes Source: Facebook/Brandee Hanes

Dealing with minor symptoms

Fortunately, of all those who’d become ill, most had only minor symptoms of the coronavirus. But Owen’s grandpa was different. Instead of coming home like everyone else, he had to stay behind.

Facebook/Brandee Hanes Source: Facebook/Brandee Hanes

Slow to recover

As an elderly man, Owen’s grandpa wasn’t just in the hospital but for most of his stay, he was in ICU in a coma. This little boy didn’t understand everything that was going on. But he did know his favorite person in the world was really sick.

Facebook/Brandee Hanes Source: Facebook/Brandee Hanes

A remarkable discovery

One day, Brandee Hanes, the little boy’s mom, found him sitting in the backyard. On a glass table, he had his toy trucks stacked up high. Sitting there, all alone, she saw him bow his head and clasp his hands in what was obviously prayer.

Facebook/Brandee Hanes Source: Facebook/Brandee Hanes

Capturing the moment

Owen’s actions were so sweet that his mom quickly took a photo. Here was this small child earnestly praying for his “Opa” to get well. She then shared it on her Facebook page along with a message that said, “If I may ask, please say a little extra for the grandkids. All they know is Opa is very sick and they miss him dearly.”

Facebook/Brandee Hanes Source: Facebook/Brandee Hanes

The response was incredible

People from near and far posted that they were thinking of and praying for this man. Brandee continued to provide updates, one that came just two weeks later saying Opa was more alert and would soon be off the ventilator.

Unsplash/Ismael Paramo Source: Unsplash/Ismael Paramo

Although Opa is still recovering, he’s improving more each day. The family even laughed because when a nurse touched his feet, it seemed as though it tickled him. With prayers coming from Owen and many others, this grandpa will be home in no time. People need to keep praying for others in this situation.

While COVID-19 is still an issue, it’s positive stories like this that give everyone hope. We’re in this together. Stay strong.

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Source: Spotlight Stories, Facebook
