Boy Scout develops new technology after hospital asks for help with face mask pain

In a season of difficulty caused by the coronavirus outbreak, people are really finding incredible opportunities to shine through. It is always good to see the good that people are able to accomplish when they put their minds to it. While not everyone has the skillset to help develop a vaccine or build ventilators, there are definitely some parts to be played, even from unlikely people!

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This Canadian boy scout found a way to help medical workers during the coronavirus outbreak.

While most kids are just relishing the time off of school for the next few weeks, Quin Callander had a different idea. If boy scouts are supposed to be inventive, Quinn is one of the best!

Quinn thought of a way to help workers after his local hospital sent out a request for help.

As many hospitals are finding themselves further strained by the sheer number of patients they are receiving, one of the unintended side effects of the influx is the toll it takes on the medical workers. Quinn’s local hospital sent out a request for help after realizing some of the difficulties the on-duty medical staff were going through.

PPE is not designed for ergonomics.

Many things are needed to get the job done in hospitals. One of the most important elements is PPE or Personal Protection Equipment. This includes masks, gowns, face shields, and anything else used to reduce contact with the virus. This are lifesaving pieces of tech but they aren’t always designed with ergonomics in mind.

covid_nurses Source: covid_nurses

As the shifts get longer and more numerous, the PPE is starting to cause harm to the medical workers.

One of the unintended side effects of face masks is the chafing effects that the string and cloth can have on your skin. This usually isn’t an issue but when you have to wear a mask for hours at a time, day after day while sweating, it can really become an issue. That’s what makes Quinn’s invention so helpful.

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Using his own 3-d printer, Quinn designed a product to reduce the strain that a mask puts on your face.

Calling it an “ear guard”, Quinn essentially made a small adjustable tool that shifts the pressure and chafing from the back of the ears to behind the head, almost totally nullifying it. Showing us Quinn’s incredible heart, his mom said:

“Quinn answered a request from the local hospitals for help with creating “ear guards” to help take the pressure off health care workers’ ears from wearing masks all day. He got busy on his 3D printer and has been turning out dozens of ear guards to donate,”

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Quinn made the file public, allowing anyone who wants to help to start printing their own!

More than just a one-man-show, Quinn posted the file online in hopes that anyone else with a 3-D printer could make their own. People around the world are using Quinn’s design and sending the finished products to their local hospitals! His mom said:

“We need more volunteers to fire up their 3D printers and donate these ear guards to hospitals and medical professionals!”

Difficulty often breeds opportunity for great deeds.

The difficult seasons in the world usually bring to light a lot of bad things and people. There is also a different side to the coin. In the midst of people hoarding supplies and scalping baby food prices, there are people who sacrifice themselves, their time, and their money to help others.

Check out the Facebook post below.

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Source: Heather Roney, Bored Panda
