Young boy sews dad a whole shirt and how his father reacts steals the internet’s heart

A father and son have gone viral online after posting an adorable video to TikTok.

The video features nine-year-old Sam Gouveia presenting his dad, Aaron Gouveia, with a shirt he made himself in a sewing class.

Sam loves sewing.

He would later tell CBS Boston that he loves the feeling of accomplishment after he’s made something.

Sam is likely feeling very accomplished thanks to his dad’s heartwarming reaction to his gift.

TikTok - @daddyfiles Source: TikTok - @daddyfiles

Sam has been attending sewing classes for over a year

It was Sam’s Great Aunt Val who got him interested in sewing in the first place.

Still, one wouldn’t expect a child so young to actually be good at the task.

After all, it’s something many people spend years working on.

YouTube - CBS Boston Source: YouTube - CBS Boston

Aaron is a very proud father and likes his new shirt

Parenthood is an interesting thing. It all seems to go by in a flash.

One moment, your newborn is just a blob of crying organic matter that requires all of your attention, and the next moment they are sewing you a handmade shirt. Life is crazy sometimes.

“Dude, look at this!” Aaron can be heard proudly exclaiming in the video.

The proud father just can’t get over how amazing it is that his son is able to create such a thing.

TikTok - @daddyfiles Source: TikTok - @daddyfiles

The shirt goes well with jeans

When asked why he picked the pattern that he did, Sam said it goes well with the jeans his father always wears.

Just imagine the feeling of creating and nurturing a baby and watching them grow large enough to be able to critique your wardrobe. Tremendous.

TikTok - @daddyfiles Source: TikTok - @daddyfiles

Sam was bullied in school

Unfortunately, kids that have interests considered “different” are often the victims of bullies. Sam was no different.

Kids in his kindergarten class picked on him for his love of sewing and wearing red nail polish.

Sam’s got some pretty great parents, though. They taught him about acceptance and self-love.

They wanted to make sure he knows there is nothing wrong with his love of sewing.

“He taught me that anyone can do anything,” Sam said about the lessons his father has taught him.

YouTube - CBS Boston Source: YouTube - CBS Boston

What Sam has taught his parents

Sam’s love of sewing and dedication to it has also taught Aaron a lesson or two about life.

“I think in the end it’s just the human aspect of it. Seeing someone do something they love, especially a kid at a young age and doing it without shame. That’s pretty amazing, ” Aaron said.

YouTube - CBS Boston Source: YouTube - CBS Boston

Sam has gone viral before

This isn’t the first time Sam has gone viral either.

A video of his reaction to receiving his own sewing machine for his ninth birthday also became a big hit on the Internet.

People were so touched by Sam’s love of sewing that they would send him fabric in the mail.

YouTube - Good Morning America Source: YouTube - Good Morning America

What we can all learn from Sam

No matter what it is you love to do, just do it. Don’t worry about what other people think.

Love yourself, accept yourself, and enjoy your passions.

YouTube - CBS Boston Source: YouTube - CBS Boston

Learn more about Sam’s story in the video below – plus, be sure to watch the viral TikTok too!

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@daddyfiles Sam made me a shirt! Wow. #sewing #sewingtiktok #samsewgood #boyswhosew #parenting #raisingboys ♬ original sound – Aaron

Source: TikTok – @daddyfiles, Good Morning America, YouTube – CBS Boston
