Little boy adorably sneaks out of bed to sleep with his dog, not knowing he’s being recorded
A dog lover, Paige Knudtson had decided to adopt a 2-year-old boxer, named Brutus, soon after finding out she was pregnant. The dog, Brutus, and her newborn son, Finn, quickly became friends.
Little did she know how much their friendship would come to mean to both Finn and Brutus.
Finn and Brutus had an immediate connection
Finn, who was born with a serious heart defect, was in the hospital for seven weeks after he was born, following open-heart surgery. When Brutus first met Finn, the connection between the two was instantaneous.
“Once we got home, it was as if Brutus just knew Finn needed some extra-close monitoring, and he has been by his side ever since,” Knudtson told The Dodo.
The pair spend all of their waking moments together
Fin and Brutus spend all of their waking moments together playing, eating, and watching TV. Their companionship even extends to bedtime, with Brutus sleeping in Finn’s room.
“Brutus often curls up wherever Finn is sitting and follows him from room to room in our house,” Knudtson said. “If Finn is sick, Brutus knows it and just stays right by Finn’s side or lays his head on Finn’s chest.”
Finn and Brutus share a bedroom
At first, Brutus slept on a rug in front of Finn’s crib. But when Finn was old enough to sleep in his own bed, Brutus took the opportunity to snuggle right up next to him.
“Finn just started sleeping in his ‘big boy bed’ a little over a month ago, and that is when Brutus began crawling up and sleeping in Finn’s bed every night,” Knudtson said. “It was as if he laid next to him to prevent him from rolling out of bed.”
Sleeping on the floor
Getting used to his bed was another problem that Finn faced. He would often climb out of his bed and sleep on the floor. Of course, Brutus would be there right by his side. Rather than have Finn sleep on the cold, hard floor, Knudtson decided to move Brutus’ dog bed into Finn’s room.
It is there that they both usually end up sleeping side by side.
Knudtson was able to catch the two on a nanny cam going about their sweet nightly routine. In the video, Fin is seen grabbing his blanket and crawling out of his bed to sleep beside his best pal.
Brutus does not seem to mind being used as a pillow.
A nightly routine
“Finn sleeps with Brutus all night, every night,” Knudtson said. “Whether it’s in the dog bed, Finn’s bed, or the floor, the two always sleep together.”
To Knudtson, it has all become a part of their normal family routine. She is just happy that her son has someone who will always be there for him and protect him. Most of all, she can’t wait to watch Finn and Brutus as they grow up together.
For more of Finn and Brutus’ sweet relationship, watch the video below.
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H/T: Bored Panda, The Dodo