Boy with cleft lip meets shelter puppy with the same condition and adopts him on the spot

The two-year-old Bentley Boyers from Michigan has recently made a new best friend and he couldn’t be any happier. The boy is energetic, joyful, and loves to go on all sorts of adventures, and now has an adorable four-footer to play with every day.

WYFF4, video screenshot Source: WYFF4, video screenshot

As a younger child, life wasn’t always very easy for Bentley. He was born with a cleft palate, a medical condition that’s hard to remedy shortly after birth, and actually had a lot of struggles eating.

“We had to sit him up and feed him and hold his lip together in order for him to eat, so it was a process,” mom Ashley Boyers said to WYFF4.

WYFF4, video screenshot Source: WYFF4, video screenshot

When his dad walked into the Jackson County Animal Shelter, he saw a special four-footer and immediately FaceTimed his wife.

Dad was actually there to adopt two chickens and had no intention of bringing home a furry friend. However, when he saw an adorable puppy with a cleft lip as well, he just had to tell mom.

“He FaceTimed me,” she recalls. “He goes, ‘I think this one has a cleft lip.’ And I said, ‘Get her. We need her.'”

Bentley is definitely a joyful and happy child, but his parents hoped that having this puppy around with the same birth defect, would show him that he’s not alone and would make him feel less insecure. Besides, which child wouldn’t want to have a puppy?

WYFF4, video screenshot Source: WYFF4, video screenshot

At the moment, Bentley’s cleft lip definitely isn’t as visible as it was before, and his ability to eat has drastically improved as well. The toddler has already been through two surgeries for his condition.

“Since day one, he’s been a happy baby, Ashley mentioned. “His cleft lip doesn’t make him any different.”

WYFF4, video screenshot Source: WYFF4, video screenshot

“To see him have something in common with a puppy means a lot because he can grow up and understand that him and his puppy have something that they can share.”

The puppy is absolutely adorable and isn’t really affected by her disability.

Jackson County Animal Shelter - Michigan Source: Jackson County Animal Shelter - Michigan

According to the shelter staff, the cute little dog is doing really well and they wouldn’t foresee any problems for the future. The Jackson County animal shelter doesn’t often have puppies with cleft palates up for adoption, but her condition is not holding her back in any way.

Jackson County Animal Shelter - Michigan Source: Jackson County Animal Shelter - Michigan

“Her disability is really not holding her back. As she grows, they’ll be able to see more if there’s anything changing that has to do with that. But she’s really doing well. She might look a little bit different than a normal dog would, but it’s not slowing her down at all,” one of the shelter representatives told.

Jackson County Animal Shelter - Michigan Source: Jackson County Animal Shelter - Michigan

“When Bentley came in to meet the puppy, we had tears in our eyes,” director Lydia Sattler said to Good Morning America. “He was loving her and she was just eating it up. They were a perfect match for many reasons.”

The family brought the adorable puppy home and also gave her a new name: Lacey. As you can imagine, Bentley and Lacey are the absolute best of friends and these two always hang around each other.

Jackson County Animal Shelter - Michigan Source: Jackson County Animal Shelter - Michigan

They’re truly inseparable!

“They’re the best of friends. If Bentley is playing on the playground she’s next to the slide waiting for him to come down. They do everything together,” mom added.

Jackson County Animal Shelter - Michigan Source: Jackson County Animal Shelter - Michigan

Bentley and Stacey are friends for life and an absolutely perfect match. They’re just too adorable together!

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Source: WYFF4, Good Morning America, Jackson County Animal Shelter – Michigan
