Courageous guard dog fights off pack of 11 coyotes to save flock of sheep

Have you ever gone above and beyond the line of duty in your work?

How about saving the lives of multiple defenseless creatures when they are under attack?

11-month-old Great Pyrenees, Casper, can claim that he has done both of these things.

While working as a guard/sheep shepherd, Casper found his wards under attack one late night and decided to do his duty and protect the flock at any cost.

Coyotes had found the farm and were looking for a midnight snack.

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Farmer John Wierwiller had noticed some coyotes hanging around his sheep pen one evening and knew they were up to no good.

He managed to scare off the wild animals by throwing rocks at them until they scattered.

Later that night however, when John was asleep in bed, the coyotes came back.

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Casper and his partner Daisy herded all the sheep into one corner of the pen so they could keep watch on them, but the coyotes just kept coming.

There were 11 of them in total and Casper knew that if he didn’t act quickly they would soon be under attack.

The brave dog decided to bring the fight to them and jumped into the middle of the pack and began fighting the animals off.

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For 30 minutes the group battled and Casper managed to keep all the coyotes away from his sheep, he killed a few of them.

Soon, the coyotes started to disperse but Casper knew that if he didn’t finish the battle that they’d be back.

He chased after them and caught a few more, killing them as well.

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In the end, the dog managed to kill 8 coyotes and keep all his sheep safe.

Casper had been badly injured though, and the Wierwiller family thought he had lost his life as, after chasing away the coyotes, he did not come back.

They searched for him for days, finding blood and clumps of hair scattered throughout their land.

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Then one day, while cleaning out the chicken coop, they found the dog.

He was in bad shape and the family immediately rushed him to the nearest emergency vet.

The vet’s office was not equipped to handle such gruesome injuries and so the LifeLine Clinic, a not-for-profit vet clinic that helps to save animals that might otherwise be euthanized.

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The LifeLine team were able to help Casper, who had been left with a large gash on his neck, a 1-foot-long wound on his back, and a missing tail.

The vet staff quickly fell in love with the pup and have done everything in their power to ensure he will continue to live a long and healthy life.

His partner, Daisy, recently gave birth to a litter of puppies and Casper is surely a wonderful and calming presence for them.

The dog was treated and is now well on his way to a full recovery, though he may never be a working dog again, the life of a pampered house dog is exactly what this hero deserves.

Meet Casper and the women that saved his life in the video below.

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Source: Youtube, Facebook, My Positive Outlooks, LifeLine Animal Clinic
