Brave little girl gives bone marrow to save baby brother’s life

Meet Khloe Land, the real-life Supergirl. Khloe is only 4-years-old, but she hasn’t let that stop her from being one of the bravest little girls on the planet. When Khloe’s family told her that her baby brother would need a bone marrow transplant to survive, she wanted to be his superhero.

The Oregon based family recently added a new member to their growing bunch, sweet baby Colton.

Facebook/Kayla Land Source: Facebook/Kayla Land

When Colton grew to be around 8 weeks old, he received a shocking and terrifying diagnosis. Doctors said that he was suffering from SCID, severe combined immunodeficiency disorder.

Essentially, baby Colton was born without any sort of immune system.

SCID is often referred to as “Bubble boy” disease. People with the disease often have to live in sterile, “bubble” confinements to protect them from everything in their environment. While the term “bubble boy” may sound cute, the disease itself is no laughing matter.

For someone with SCID, a single germ can lead to a deadly infection. The disease is considered to be a fatal one. If baby Colton was to survive, he would need to have a bone marrow transplant.

Facebook/Kayla Land Source: Facebook/Kayla Land

The likelihood of finding the perfect match for a bone marrow transplant is incredibly slim for most people.

Knowing this, Colton’s doctor, Dr. Evan Shereck, suggested first considering a sibling donor. With bone marrow from a sibling, the odds of treatment success are greatly increased, as the patient’s body will be less likely to reject the transplant.

With that in mind, both of Colton’s older sisters, Krissy and Khloe Land, submitted themselves to a cheek swab for DNA.

To everyone’s surprise, it was Khloe’s DNA, not Krissy’s, that showed up as a perfect match for their baby brother.

Facebook/Kayla Land Source: Facebook/Kayla Land

While Colton’s parents, Danny and Kayla Land, were relieved that they were lucky enough to find a positive match, they were also dealing with some other mixed emotions. Fear and anxiety, namely, as they now had to worry over not just one, but two children.

“My husband and I were hoping it was our older daughter because she understood and she wanted to be the one to help her little brother. When we found it was Khloe, she was really excited at first and then fear kicked in within about 30 seconds and she broke down and told us how scared she was,” Kayla wrote on Facebook.

When the transplant day finally arrived, Khloe’s parents wanted to honor her bravery. So, they showed up with Kayla brilliantly dressed in a Supergirl costume.

Good Morning America Source: Good Morning America

Fortunately for Khloe, the procedure for extracting her bone marrow was minimally invasive.

Doctors extracted a very small amount of the life-giving fluid via two tiny pen dots on her back. Though it was very scary for 4-year-old Khloe to have to go through this, she was back to her bouncy, bubbly self as soon as the extraction procedure was over. Something only a true Superhero could be capable of.

For Colton, however, the process isn’t nearly so short and simple. The tiny survivor will have to undergo further testing and monitoring, as well as continue with his antibiotics, to make sure his small body doesn’t reject the newly transplanted bone marrow.

Colton has a long road to recovery ahead of him, but his family is making arrangements to be there with him every single step of the way.

Facebook/Kayla Land Source: Facebook/Kayla Land

Kayla decided to resign from work to dedicate herself to being with her baby, and Krissy and Khloe will now be homeschooled to minimize any chance of passing Colton an infection. In addition, the whole family moved closer to the hospital so Colton’s doctors could continue his monitoring.

All in all, Colton’s prognosis has taken a very positive turn since the bone marrow transplant from his sister.

Facebook/Kayla Land Source: Facebook/Kayla Land

Within just a year from the bone marrow transplant, Colton is expected to be able to live a relatively normal life. He will be able to go outside and play with his sisters without it threatening his health.

Thanks to his big sister’s bravery, baby Colton will one day soon get to know the joys of being a little kid.

There is no question Khloe is a Superhero. However, the unfailing love, faith, hope, determination, and sacrifices of Colton’s whole family lead us to believe that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

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