Dentist gives free dental makeovers in poor communities and shares the incredible photos

“Smiling is the best way to face every problem, to crush every fear and to hide every pain.” – Unknown

A smile can change your mood, build friendship, and even help you deal with your problems, but what if your problem is your smile?

We can all smile, but let’s face it; it’s so hard to smile when you feel insecure about your dental health.

Dental health is important, but not everyone can afford it.

For some of us, going to our dentist’s appointment is just a normal task, but the fact is, not all of us are privileged to afford dental check-ups. Many people can’t even afford to eat three times a day, so maintaining good dental health is impossible.

Did you know that many people in poor countries can’t even buy a decent toothbrush and toothpaste?

This is the reality that Brazilian dentist, Felipe Rossi, became aware of.

Rossi understands how hard life is. He knows that many people would, of course, prioritize food over oral health. We can’t blame them for that.

The now 40-year-old Brazilian dentist and his team of volunteers travel to poor communities to give them oral care and treatment, all for free.

He even formed an NGO that he called Por1sorriso.

Por1sorrio aims to give free oral health treatments and care to people with low to 0 incomes that need dentures, fillings, root canals, restoration, and dental cleaning.

In his quest to help, Rossi has seen the worst cases of dental problems.

Rossi’s amazing team consists of 4,000 volunteers who accompany and help whenever he goes on a mission.

Each mission needs careful planning and, of course, a sufficient budget because a five-day dental mission in Brazil would already cost the team more or less $5,000.

We all know how expensive dental treatments are, right? Can you imagine the cost if they were to travel abroad?

Por1sorriso has sponsorship that is being given to them by two large private companies.

A few years back, even Colgate joined Rossi’s mission as one of its sponsors.

There are also many channels where individuals can also make donations for Rossi’s dental health project. You can also choose to donate through their website here.

To increase funding, Rossi’s group also has its own online shop where people can shop for shirts, mugs, and even accessories.

Because of countless donations and sponsorships, Rossi can keep his promise to underprivileged people who need dental care.

We’ve seen many projects that give out toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental kits, and so much more, but Rossi’s project is different. He gives more than just temporary solutions to dental problems.

His services will give these people more reason to smile, and of course, their dental health and confidence.

“Our actions are worth more than words; building a better world is not done with syllables and verb conjugations. Doing is a transformative act,” he said in his interview.

Aside from fulfilling his promise to his country, Rossi and his team have already visited Africa nine times!

The most amazing dental transformations that Rossi and his team have worked on are all posted on social media, and all of them are going viral!

Each photo shows so much more than just a beautiful smile.

You can see it in their eyes, their renewed confidence and happiness will make each project all worth it. It gives Rossi and his team the drive to help more people.

Take a look at more amazing transformations by following them on their Instagram account, and don’t forget to share this with your friends and family!

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Source: por1sorriso, por1sorriso website, drfeliperossi
