British teens hilariously try biscuits & gravy for first time and score over 6 million views

Culinary tastes vary around the world. Depending on where you were born or where you grew up, certain foods might seem perfectly normal to you but weird and ridiculous to others.

If you are an American, biscuits and gravy is a completely reasonable meal to eat.

However, if you are British, it’s kind of a strange dish.

That’s exactly what some teenagers discovered when they ate it for the first time.

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Let’s make British teenagers eat American food

As a fun experiment, the YouTube channel JOLLY decided to feed some British teenagers typical American food and record their reactions.

JOLLY figured some people might be interested in seeing how the teens respond to foods they haven’t experienced before and they were right.

Over 6 million people have watched this video so far!

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British teenagers try biscuits and gravy for the first time

If you didn’t grow up with biscuits and gravy, the fact that they are referred to as biscuits likely doesn’t make much sense to you.

In most places around the world, a biscuit is flat and hard. Crackers or cookies are probably the best way to describe them.

That’s not what the biscuits in a biscuits and gravy dish are, however. The teenagers had a bit of trouble understanding that.

“They’re not biscuits, that’s so weird,” one student commented.

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That’s not a biscuit, that’s a scone

Most of the kids felt that the “biscuits” they were being given were similar to what the British call scones.

Some kids felt the biscuits were delicious while others commented that they are just sweetened bread.

One student broke with his culture’s tradition and declared American biscuits to be better than British scones.

“I’m abandoning my country by saying these are better than scones,” he said.

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Why is the gravy white?

Gravy means different things in different cultures. Sometimes it even has multiple meanings within the same culture.

For the most part, though, gravy is usually brown colored but that’s not the kind of gravy that comes with biscuits and gravy.

When the kids saw a white liquid being poured onto the biscuits, they didn’t know what to think.

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“It looks like vomit”

One fun part about young people is that they don’t hold back with their opinions.

If they think what you just poured on their biscuits looks like vomit, they will say exactly that.

Two of the British teens described the white gravy as specifically looking this way.

Another said the gravy looked like chopped-up ferret. It’s not clear exactly what kind of food that kid is getting fed at home.

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It still tastes good!

An important thing about good food is that it doesn’t matter if the name doesn’t make sense or what color the gravy is, it just needs to taste good to be a hit.

Despite everything, when these teens chowed down on biscuits and gravy, they were quite impressed.

“Wow! That is good,” said one student.

“They somehow go well together, it seems so weird,” said another.

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The school’s headmaster is not impressed

British school principals are called headmasters. The teens’ headmaster felt that biscuits and gravy should not be named what it is.

“For me it’s the wording of everything that’s wrong,” he said.

The headmaster continued to say that American biscuits and gravy should be named “cake with sauce.”

It’s not clear if someone clapped back that he’s not really a master of heads and his position should be “Head teacher” but nonetheless, that was his reaction.

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Watch these British teens try biscuits and gravy for the first time in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – JOLLY,
