Young boy goes viral with adorable video of him meeting his sister for the first time

The Maltbie family documents their life adventures on their YouTube channel.

They have amassed an audience of close to 50K subscribers. Those that find their channel stumble upon it for one reason or another, but one particular video the family shared went viral and brought them a ton of exposure.

This one video on the Maltbie family YouTube channel has been viewed over 9.5 million times. That is a huge audience!

YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch Source: YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch

The video of a brother meeting his sister for the first time goes viral.

The popular video featured the family’s eldest son Brayden meeting his new sister for the very first time.

The polite little guy even came bearing gifts! He brought a balloon and some flowers for his mother and new sister.

YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch Source: YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch

“Do you wanna go and meet your new sister?” Dad can be heard saying to Brayden in the video.

Brayden was excited. This was a big day for him! It was for the whole family too.

“Yeah, I can’t wait!” Brayden excitedly responded.

YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch Source: YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch

The baby can be heard crying in the background.

As Dad and Brayden approach the room where Mom and sister are, the sounds of a baby crying can be heard in the distance. Dad lets Brayden know that is his little sister’s voice he’s hearing.

Brayden is excited but he’s also pretty nervous. His smile never fades as he approaches his new sibling, however.

YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch Source: YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch

Brayden starts to tear up.

This was an emotional moment for little Brayden. When he first caught sight of his new sister, tears started to form. As Brayden starts to get emotional, however, his little sister stopped her own crying, perhaps understanding on some level she was meeting someone who will play an important role in her life from this moment on.

It was a beautiful day for the whole family. Something they were proud to share with the world on YouTube.

YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch Source: YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch

Harper Rose Maltbie’s first days on Earth.

Mom was unable to hold back her emotions either as her two children met for the first time. Brayden had nothing but love for his new sister right from the very beginning and that’s something the family will always remember.

YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch Source: YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch

Brayden kisses his new sister.

The nervous Brayden leaned in and gave his newborn sister a kiss on the forehead. Then the proud mother kissed Brayden on his forehead too just to let him know how much she loves him and is proud of him.

YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch Source: YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch

Newborns bring joy to a family.

Welcoming a new member to your family can be a stressful time but if you have a helpful and loving family around you, it can be quite beautiful. This family will have lots of challenges in the years to come, as we all do, but they will face those challenges together.

YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch Source: YouTube - The Maltbie Bunch

Brayden will clearly make an excellent big brother.

Brayden will be 9 years older than his little sister.

As he gets older, he’ll be expected to play a big role in her life. He’ll have the wisdom of additional years on the planet to pass on to her as she goes through her own journey. It certainly sounds like he is up to the task, however, and ready to be the best older brother he can be.

Watch the video below!

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Source: The Maltbie Bunch/Instagram – The Maltbie Bunch
