Cat lived a rough and violent life – won't stop purring when woman decides to take him home

Bruce Willis the cat has finally found his forever home!

When Mr. Willis arrived at the Animal Humane Society in Minnesota, it was so obvious that he had been living a very rough life on the streets. He had scars on his body, broken teeth, and an eye injury that hasn’t healed.

He also tested positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus).

With all these conditions, it’s a miracle he survived for so long on the streets. But judging from his resilient nature and his want for someone to love him, he kept fighting.

Facebook/Bruce Willis the Cat Source: Facebook/Bruce Willis the Cat

And his fight was about to be over when he arrived at the Animal Humane Society.

The AHS shelter knew it wouldn’t be long before Mr. Willis was adopted. He was such an affectionate and caring cat. He purred constantly and so loudly whenever he was being cuddled.

“Bruce is the sweetest and most affectionate boy around. All cheeks and love, he will brighten every day you spend with him,” the shelter wrote.

Instagram/Bruce Willis the Cat Source: Instagram/Bruce Willis the Cat

Mr. Willis only stayed at the shelter for a month before Sandra, his human mom, adopted him. It was International Cat Day and Sandra was looking through the photos on the AHS Facebook page when she saw Mr. Willis.

“When I saw his picture, it just spoke to my heart,” Sandra told Love Meow.

Instagram/Bruce Willis the Cat Source: Instagram/Bruce Willis the Cat

Sandra couldn’t adopt Mr. Willis because her landlord had a strict “no-pets” policy in their building. But she had to see Mr. Willis so she went to the shelter just to look.

But when he looked at Sandra with his sad, large eyes, she was completely smitten. She went home with a heavy heart, knowing she couldn’t take him home. She couldn’t resist and took a daily peek on the AHS page to check if he had been adopted already.

Facebook/Bruce Willis the Cat Source: Facebook/Bruce Willis the Cat

After a month of Sandra regularly visiting Mr. Willis, she took it as a sign that meant he had to be home with her.

So she went to her landlord and asked if he could make an exception to his “no pets” rule.

“I sent a picture of him to my landlord (how can you say no to those eyes) and I got permission to get him!” Sandra exclaimed.

Instagram/Bruce Willis the Cat Source: Instagram/Bruce Willis the Cat

Finally, Mr. Bruce Willis the cat has found his forever home!

When he arrived at his new home, he stretched out on the floor and kept purring loudly. He was finally home.

“He didn’t stop purring all night. Since that day, he’s been following me around no matter where I go,” Sandra said.

And Sandra was determined to take care of Mr. Willis and provide everything for him. Mr. Willis was used to find food for himself and it took him some time to get used to any kind of special treatment.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

Now, all he needs to do is just wait and almost everything will come to him.

In return for all this love, Mr. Willis gives love to his mom, too.

“He came into the bathroom when I was showering one day, and looked at me and started meowing as if he was trying to call for help to rescue me from the water,” Sandra shared.

One thing Mr. Willis is super grateful for though is his mom’s determination to take care of him, especially his health and medical problems. When Sandra was filling out the paperwork to adopt Bruce, the shelter had told her that, besides FIV, his teeth are the worst of his health problems.

Facebook/Bruce Willis the Cat Source: Facebook/Bruce Willis the Cat

He needed surgery to extract his two chipped teeth but the procedure was too expensive for the shelter.

“I already knew about his FIV and that he would require extra vet care, but I didn’t know I would get stuck with big vet bills from the get-go. I asked myself what I had gotten myself into. But then I looked at him sitting in his little room and I knew that I couldn’t leave him,” Sandra wrote on their Facebook page.

Facebook/Animal Humane Society Source: Facebook/Animal Humane Society

A few weeks after Mr. Willis arrived at his home, he was able to get the dental surgery he needed, thanks to his mom.

Want to meet Mr. Bruce Willis? Watch the video below to meet him.

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Source: Love Meow
