Grateful bull performs freedom dance after being rescued from life of confinement

While most people have come to understand that dogs and cats have feelings, not everyone seems to hold the same beliefs about other animals. However, there are millions of videos worldwide that prove this is most definitely the case. One bull, in particular, has shown the world just how deeply their emotions can run.

Really, this should come as no surprise. It seems like common sense that all animals, of course, feel emotions like joy or sadness, or fear and love. According to the Dalai Lama XIV:

“Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not die, so do other creatures.”

The video at the close of this article shows us the truth of this statement when Bandit the bull roams freely for the first time in his life.

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Until August of 2014, Bandit the bull had spent his entire life locked in chains and left behind bars.

His little prison was confined to a small corner. His chains were locked to a steel bar that ran overhead, while another steel pole kept him literally confined to one space. The poor bull didn’t even have enough room in his tiny enclosure to turn around, and his enormous head had to be kept between a concrete wall and the steel pole that confined him.

If there is any question about whether or not such treatment is acceptable, we encourage them to lock themselves up in similar conditions to think it over.

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Sadly, this is the tragic case for literally billions of cows, pigs, chickens, and any other “staple meat” animals in America. Fortunately, there are still people out there with tender hearts and cutting intelligence who are trying to turn the tides of “Big-Ag” corporations in the U.S.

“That’s why we’ve come forward: People need to fight while there’s still time. We’re not trying to end meat or start a panic. But there’s a decent way to raise animals for food, and this is the farthest thing from it,” explains “Sarah”, and undercover animal welfare investigator and animal rights activist, in an interview with The Rolling Stone regarding the deplorable practices in the meat industry.

With the help of undercover investigators like her, the top has been blown off of the secret, torturous living conditions found in factory farms. As a result, other animal welfare groups have risen to the occasion by stepping in and rescuing as many of these “farm animals” as possible.

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Bandit was blessed enough to be one of the bovine beneficiaries of these rescuers’ kindnesses when he met Christian with Gut Aiderbichl. The organization maintains an animal sanctuary that boasts more than 500 cows, bulls, and calves rescued from meat farms.

In the video that has since received 30+ million views on Youtube, Christian slowly approaches Bandit. As he reaches out his hand, he stares into the depressed, forlorn eyes of the bull.

The moment Christian gives bandit a pat on the head, you can literally see light come flashing into his eyes. It’s clear that this is the very first time the bull has ever received affection. In return, the bull licks his rescuer affectionately.

As Christian moves closer and closer, you can see Bandit’s building excitement. When Christian pulls the chain off the top bar keeping him locked in, the bull gets ever more restless. It’s as if he can almost taste his freedom.

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It’s obvious that the bull is a little disoriented for the first few moments of his freedom. It must have been so surreal for him. To go from never breathing fresh air or walking and playing on the grass to taking his first steps outside of his enclosure. At first, he was at a loss for what to do.

Then, the bull slowly walks forward from his cage. As he tests his footing, he goes to greet his other poor cellmates.

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After taking his first steps of freedom, the bull suddenly breaks into his happy dance.

Bandit leaps in the air just like a playful puppy would. He pounces on the hay in the middle of the floor and runs in circles. There is no question that this bull was feeling the purest wave of joy ever.

After being given a few minutes to soak up his newfound freedom, Bandit was then loaded onto a truck. He was headed for his new forever home at Gut Aiderbichl Animal Sanctuary.

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When the bull arrived at his new sanctuary, he totally leaped out of the truck onto a big pile of hay.

He ran around in circles, completely overjoyed at his new circumstance. If that isn’t enough to convince you that animals feel emotions, what happens in the video next certainly will.

After he’s done doing a second freedom dance, Bandit slowly goes up to Christian. As the rescuer kneels to the ground, the sweet bull rests his head against Christian in an undeniable show of gratitude.

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Seeing Bandit react to being set free from a lifetime of bondage and cruelty is absolutely priceless. The precious bull didn’t need to use words to show us exactly how he felt.

What Christian and others like him are doing for our voiceless friends is beyond important. It’s our job as humans to speak up for those who can’t, all creatures included. What animal welfare activists have accomplished is an inspiration to animal lovers everywhere. We only hope that they continue in their selfless service to animals.

To see Bandit’s heartwarming freedom dance for yourself, watch the video below.

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