Shivering bulldog abandoned in the cold with only a note and his belongings

The worst thing a person can do is to do abandon their pets.

Pexels - Plato Terentev Source: Pexels - Plato Terentev

Pet ownership isn’t just about love, it is also about responsibility. A responsibility that isn’t disposable. It is better to not own a pet if you do not see yourself fulfilling the commitment.

But not all things are in our control. Sometimes it is best to strip yourself from certain commitments—but there is always a proper way to do it.

Every year, millions of owners surrender their pets.

Pexels - Chermiti Mohamed Source: Pexels - Chermiti Mohamed

Many people want to own a pet because they’re loveable. Only a few understand that it is a responsibility and can be consuming. According to ASPCA,

Approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Each year, approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized.

A huge number of animals are in need of care, and many of them once had a forever home but were abandoned by their owners.

If you no longer want your pet with you, take them to your nearest shelter.

If you abandon your pet, you are not only failing to fulfill your responsibility, but you are also risking the pet’s life. The streets and the outside weather will not be kind to your pet. You never know how long it could take before the pet receives actual care.

The dog below was abandoned, but his owner left a note.

YouTube Screenshot - WMAR-2 News Source: YouTube Screenshot - WMAR-2 News

You can not just chicken out by leaving a note, but it can be useful.

The rescuers will know the backstory which will help them to assist the dog better.

The dog is also likely to find a new home much faster.

YouTube Screenshot - WMAR-2 News Source: YouTube Screenshot - WMAR-2 News

The poor pup was frightened and wasn’t in a pleasant situation.

Duke is a 2-year-old American bulldog. There was a code blue alert in that area of Baltimore, so the weather was going to be on the cooler side, which wasn’t good news for the pup. Duke was tied to a tree at the North Linwood entrance to Patterson Park in Baltimore.

YouTube Screenshot - WMAR-2 News Source: YouTube Screenshot - WMAR-2 News

Luckily, a resident from Baltimore found Duke and the pup was in poor condition. They also found the note which was left by the previous owner.

Duke was left with some of his belongings.

Duke also had something with him which, according to the note, was his favourite food and toy. He was left with a bone and few other belongings.

One of the locals, Stephanie Dagenhart, came across Duke and his condition and decided to post it on Facebook.

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In her Facebook post, she vented her frustration, saying she had lost faith in humanity.

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Duke was found shivering because of the cold and was very agitated—this would make anyone angry and lose faith. Many locals saw Stephanie’s post on Facebook and came forward with many supplies, blankets, treats, and offered Duke a forever home.

After some time, the animal shelter arrived and assisted Duke.

YouTube Screenshot - WMAR-2 News Source: YouTube Screenshot - WMAR-2 News

The local shelter took care of the Duke and was in the process of helping him find a new home. Since Duke was abandoned, there were some formalities that needed to be completed before he got his new forever home according to BARCS spokeswoman Bailey Deacon.

However, because of the Facebook post by Stephanie, many people were ready to adopt Duke. We do not have any official updates on Duke, but we believe he has already found a new loving and caring home.

You can watch the entire story below!

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Source: YouTube – WMAR-2 News
