Tiny bulldog puppy's tantrum earns over 29M views

Every kid talks back to their mom at some point or another. And believe it or not, animals are no different. They talk back to their parents just like baby humans do. That’s why it’s so funny when you get to see them in action.

It’s the cutest thing ever to see an animal with a strong personality express themselves. That’s especially true when they’re talking back to their moms. Luckily, that’s just what one YouTube user captured on video.

Elvis…the tiny Bulldog

Elvis is a young Bulldog that got his name because of a cleft lip. That’s what gives him an almost Elvis-like sneer. As soon as you see him, it’s hard not to fall in love with this adorable pup.

YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey Source: YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey

Bottle-fed as a baby

Elvis’ human parents loved him immediately and did everything they could to take care of him. His mom’s owner said, “My wife bottle-fed him until he was on solid food. He became a very strong, energetic, and physically active Bulldog.” You can tell he has a distinctive personality from the very beginning of the video.

YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey Source: YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey

Catching him in action

When you’ve got such an adorable puppy running around the house, you have to take some videos. There’s no way you’d miss capturing all that cuteness Luckily, this particular video was shared on the internet. Since first uploading it, more than 29 million people have viewed it.

YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey Source: YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey

He’s a mouthy little guy

In the video, you see Elvis with his dog mom, Patches. It’s easy to see they love each other. And considering Elvis is still very young, he needs his mom around a lot. But he’s not happy about being so dependent on her. As you watch, it appears as though Patches did something to upset her baby.

YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey Source: YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey

“I’ve got something to say”

Elvis starts to express how unhappy he is by making growling sounds at his mom. At first, they’re relatively quiet, more like a bird chirping sound. Since he’s so small, the growls sound tiny…but he’s still mad.

YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey Source: YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey

He wanted his space

Moms can be overprotective from time to time. This momma is no different. She wasn’t giving Elvis the space he felt he deserved. In his mind, he’s big enough to take care of himself. But then, she did something else that made him even angrier.

YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey Source: YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey

Talk to the paw

When Patches gets her paw in Elvis’ face, that’s when he really starts complaining. Earlier, his little growls didn’t have much force behind them before. But now, they’re out of control. He almost sounds like he’s howling. He’s so intense, his mom doesn’t know what to do.

YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey Source: YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey

Asking for forgiveness

Just like any mom, Patches just wants her baby to be happy. So, she tries to mother him more to let him know how much he’s loved. At the same time, she’s taken aback by the whole situation. Every parent goes through some difficult moments. And in this case, Patches has to learn the best way to parent her pup.

YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey Source: YouTube Screenshot/Mary Ellen Brixey

It’s hard not to fall in love with the adorable mother-son duo in this video. Check it out for yourself.

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Source: Animal Channel, YouTube
