Mom notices something ‘off’ with son, find out his friends have bullied him into depression

Most people have experienced some form of bullying while growing up. Some adults still experience bullying, mainly at their workplace. Though it may not be shoving a coworker in a locker, bullying is bullying.
In all of its forms, it is traumatizing.

One misconception about bullying is that because a lot of us go through it, it is a necessary evil.
It is not.
One student, Liam, was being bullied so bad that his family sought professional help for him.

Liam was like any other seventh grader before he began getting bullied. He loved riding his bike to his friend’s houses, playing soccer, and practically eating everything in sight.

But his mother noticed that over time, his behavior and routine started to change.
One day, Liam gave his mom, Deirdre Fell-O’Brien, his cellphone stating that he didn’t want it anymore. When she asked him why, he shrugged off a response and slunk back into his room, closing the door.
Liam stopped riding his bike and stopped carrying his soccer ball around with him. His eating habits began to change as well.
Instead of devouring whatever was put in front of him, he pushed the food around on his plate instead.

Deirdre knew that there was something going on but didn’t know what it could be.
She was determined to find out what was going on.
One morning before school, she sat Liam down in the kitchen and asked him why he no longer had interests in his activities anymore. She pleaded with him to tell her what was going on.

It was then that Liam confided in her that he was being severely bullied.

She wrote:
“We both cried as he reluctantly told me he was being bullied and it had been going on for a year.”
The other boys determined that Liam “sucked” and believed that he didn’t deserve to be on the soccer team. They called him names and used inappropriate language when talking about him. They even went as far as suggesting that he kill himself.
“I asked how often they did this to him. He looked me in the eyes and said, ‘Every day, Mom.'”
The news shattered his mother’s heart. She couldn’t believe the boys could be so merciless and cruel to her son. Although his mother felt a wave of emotions, including rage and sadness, she knew she had to act before she lost her son.

She and his father took him to the hospital where he was put on a feeding tube and a heart monitor for his malnutrition.
From there, he underwent intensive therapy and for depression and an eating disorder.

To add insult to injury, the parents of the children who were bullying Liam refused to take responsibility for their actions and the school failed to hold anyone accountable.
Deirdre relied on the help from family to hold herself together. She had four other children she needed to tend to.

To help cope and to get Liam’s story out, she began to write. She called the process “cathartic.”
When she posted it on social media, it went viral and she received an outpour of support.
“So many people—too many people—understood our pain.”
Hearing their stories, she realized just how lucky they were to get Liam help when they did.
Liam received so much support that there was even a hashtag started, #WeStandWithLiam, in addition to shirts, bumper stickers, ribbons, and news stories.

Even NASDAQ displayed a sign in Times Square with the hashtag.

Ten weeks after Liam started an intensive inpatient therapy program, he emerged healthier and happier.

The biggest surprise was when Liam asked to return to the school where the bullying began. Of course, his parents were reluctant. But Liam returned confidently and even finished the season with the soccer team.

We should all be kind to one another. Always.
Way to go, Liam!
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