Dad learns bus driver keeps his little girl on bus longer than anyone else for her hair

Moms are amazing, not only because they love us dearly but because they know best when it comes to keeping the household running smoothly.

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Fixing even the smallest issues is a knack that moms are quite incredible at.

They always find ways to make the house clean. They make sure everything is on schedule and food is always delicious if it is mom’s home-cooked meal.

Moms also know how to keep the kids tidy and well-groomed. From their hairstyle to their socks even to their fingernails, moms always ensure that kids are properly cared for.

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Patricia Pieri from Utah was like any other mom.

The woman loved to style her daughter’s hair and would always do it by creating intricate braids that young Isabella always felt proud of.

Unfortunately, Patricia passed away, leaving her nine-year-old daughter and her husband, Philip.

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The 47-year-old dad had to face the reality that his daughter now has no mom, and he was left without a wife to look after their child’s well-being.

He loves Isabella, but there are certain things that moms sometimes do better when it comes to taking care of their daughters.

He tried to do what his late wife did for Isabella’s hair, but he knew that it was not just the same.

“She’d get mad at me for pulling her hair. I didn’t know how to do it. One day [Isabella] came home and it looked beautiful. I call her my princess and she looks the part, she plays the part and her confidence is way up, which is what I’ve been intending,” Philip told ABC News.

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Philip saw that his daughter’s hair was styled as beautifully as her mother used to do, but he was totally clueless about who was doing it for Isabella.

As it turned out, the kind bus driver who brings Isabella to and from school each day was the mystery hair stylist that helped the young girl with her hair.


47-year-old Tracy Dean took it upon herself to help out the little girl and give her beautiful hairstyles each day.

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For the past two years since Isabella’s mom passed away, Tracy has continuously witnessed the young girl trying her best to do her own hairstyle but was unsuccessful.

One day, the girl even boarded the bus with a shorter haircut because her dad could not help her in styling her long hair, too.

Tracy knew she could help, and so she did.

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With four kids of her own, Tracy is definitely an expert in styling children’s hair.

She has a child close to Isabella’s age which prompted her to help out, since she understood how difficult it was to take care of one’s hair at that age.

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She also knew that being confident with how they look is an important part of growing up, so she approached the young girl and started holding her back for a few minutes every bus ride so she could do her hair.


“I could tell she was struggling with her hair,” Tracey told ABC News. “We usually do two French braids first and once in a while she just wants one braid. I also taught her how to brush her hair. She’d get on the bus and she’d say, ‘I brushed my hair. Does it look good? I’ll say, ‘You did awesome.’”

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Philip is thankful for the bus driver’s kindness.

The kind woman has always considered the students as if they were her own children.


She just did what she had to do, and Isabella and her dad are thankful for her kind gesture.

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“It’s just the way my mom raised me, to be nice to everyone—people who need a little love in their life. I like to give all of the kids a chance—even the naughty kids,” Tracy shared.

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Source: ABC News, NBC News
