Retired cabinetmaker creates magical furniture that looks like it came out of a fairytale

Are you tired of your mundane furniture?

We all know after a while, it can get pretty old looking at the same old cabinets and dressers. Sometimes you’ve got to spice up your home with a bit of magic. It may seem crazy but this retired cabinetmaker from Aukland New Zealand can make those storybook dreams come to life with his incredible talents.

Magic Man

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Henk Verhoeff is the magic man who can make all kinds of cabinets and dressers that look like they hopped right out of a fairytale.

Woodworking is an intense field to master. It takes patience, precision, and plenty of practice to become one of the greats. It might even take decades of training to get the respect of a master woodworker.

Henk Verhoeff is one of those outstanding woodworkers.

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Henk worked as a cabinet maker for over 5 decades before he retired from making ‘normal’ furniture. But Henk just couldn’t get away from his deep passion for woodworking. He has now made it his new hobby as he’s been able to get more creative than ever.

Henk’s eye-catching furniture looks like it hopped right out of a Disney movie.

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Although you might think Henk sketches out his work finding inspiration from all of the beloved fairytales he very honestly explains it’s all from his “twisted brain“. Henk told Bored Panda,

“I describe my style of furniture as broken and weird,”

“I like making weird furniture, something that you don’t see in a shop.”

“Broken & Weird”

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Henk’s remarkable works of art will have your heading turning to understand how is this possible to make?! All of Henk’s work is fully functional and more sturdy than meets the eye. But of course, it’s no easy feat to carve these breathtaking dressers and cabinets.

Knowledge & Patience

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It can take up to 80-100 hours to create one of these divine wood masterpieces. Sometimes, Henk even has to throw away an entire project if it doesn’t go right. He’s said,

“Sometimes details or angles don’t work and I have to start again. I use recycled New Zealand pine, mostly, but if I can get my hands on some Rimu, I will also use that,”

Henk finally gets to enjoy his art form more than he ever has before.

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Henk’s unique creations are all in good fun as he had no desire to make a penny off of them. But as soon as his daughter, Linda, began posting his incredible cabinets and dressers online they immediately had people’s attention.

It’s not every day where you get to see handcrafter fairytale furniture.

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Henk’s work got so much positive feedback that his daughter made a separate page just for his magical pieces. Hank explained,

“I started creating them for the pure love of it without the intention of selling them. But when I run out of space, there will be an eBay auction or two. Everything is for sale… except for my wife,”

Henk is able to enjoy his art in his home and let go of it as he pleases. Now that sounds like a dreamy retirement…

You’ll want to keep up with his latest works of art on his Facebook page. You certainly won’t regret it!

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Source: My Positive Outlooks, Henk Voehoff, Bored Panda
