Owner hides camera to check on pets while they’re away – catch cat comforting scared dog during a thunderstorm

When Brenna Eckert rescued and adopted Joule five years ago, she knew it wouldn’t be easy for the dog to get used to her work lifestyle.

Eckert had to leave for work every day, obviously, but the dog was too anxious to handle her absence. At the same time, she also suffered from excess stress and anxiety anyway, which called for professional help.

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“Joule had a lot of anxiety when we first adopted her,” Eckert told The Dodo. “We worked one-on-one with a dog behaviorist to help work through some of her issues.”

While Joule’s situation was improving and, thinking that she could use some company, Eckert soon added another member to the family, a cat who she named Kelvin.

Against all odds, the two animals soon became close and not only one wasn’t bothered by the other’s presence, but they felt really comfortable with each other. They didn’t mind getting close to each other and Eckert even found them sitting on the couch together when she came back from work.

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However, what she saw when she returned home was not enough. She wanted to gain more insight into the relationship that had developed between her two pets. So, she decided to hide a camera facing the couch, so she could monitor the two friends all day while she was at work.

What she saw exceeded her expectations. She would have never imagined how strong a bond the two animals shared, but she could now see it for herself.

In a video that was uploaded on YouTube, we can follow the two friends over the course of a week and see how things evolved between the two of them.

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On day one, the anxious dog can be seen jumping on the couch obviously stressed out, in need of support. The cat soon approaches her, jumps next to her and tries to comfort her. He rubs his snout against the dog and tries to hug her. It’s really sweet.

The dog, at the same time, doesn’t seem to be bothered by this, but it is obvious she still isn’t ready to cuddle with him.

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As the days go by, the cat gets even closer to Joule, and the two seem to be more comfortable. Kelvin keeps coming back for Joule who is obviously used to their new routine and welcomes the rubs and snuggles. They’re slowly becoming besties.

By Friday, the two adorable animals don’t miss the chance to snuggle on the couch while their mama is away. They are having a great time together, enjoying each other’s company. After all, Joule may be the super clingy one, but undoubtedly, Kelvin could use some warmth coming from a friend, right?

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“Kelvin’s personality is very mellow and sweet,” Eckert explained. “He loves sleeping and being warm, both of which he gets by snuggling up to Joule during the day.”

Does this mean the two pets are fine when their mom is at work? Definitely! Does it mean that they share the couch all day? Definitely not. Joule is still a “velcro dog” who won’t leave mama’s side when she’s around.

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“They only snuggle with each other like this when we are not around,” Eckert said. “If we are home, Joule wants to be with us, so she basically ignores the cat.”

What an inspiring story! We love such friendships, and, if you do too, you can watch the details in the video below.

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Source: The Dodo, Instagram, The Dodo
