Firefighters light up YouTube with a late entry into the infamous Git Up Challenge

Among the many things we thought we could leave behind in 2019 was Blanco Brown’s ubiquitous Git Up Challenge. Performed by everyone from firefighters to families, there were hundreds – if not thousands – of videos on YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok. It was getting a little exhausting.

And while we have yet to see one go viral in 2020 (because we’ve all had a bit of extra stress on our minds), an October 2019 entry into the challenge by the Volunteer Firefighters of Alnwick Haldimand in Ontario, Canada had us thinking that we might see yet another round of madness.

Screenshot via Alex Brown/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Alex Brown/YouTube

Blanco Brown’s song “The Git Up” has a very unique dance that goes with it that nearly anyone can participate in.

The steps are described in the lyrics:

Gon’ and do the 2 step then cowboy boogie
Grab your sweetheart and spin out with ’em
Do the hoedown and get into it (whoo, whoo, whoo)
Take it to the left now and dip with it
Gon’ throw down, take a sip with it
Now lean back put your hips in it (whoo, whoo, whoo) let’s have some fun

See? Easy. Totally straightforward.

Luckily, the singer demonstrated the dance and even broke it down further in a series of YouTube videos just to ensure it would be played at every prom and wedding for eternity.

Screenshot via Blanco Brown/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Blanco Brown/YouTube

So what does this group of volunteer firefighters have that the first few dozen didn’t? Well, production value for starters.

This is some professional-looking camera work and editing!

Screenshot via Alex Brown/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Alex Brown/YouTube

Like a feature film, we’re introduced to the firehouse and our first responder/dancers in slo-mo black and white before the title comes up and the color comes in.

Now, as a group, the unit is not stacked with world-class dancers – but the real entertainment is in the sexy slo-mo shots of individual firefighters.

Screenshot via Alex Brown/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Alex Brown/YouTube


Screenshot via Alex Brown/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Alex Brown/YouTube

If you’re waiting for firey dance footage or hilarious hose-downs though, you’re out of luck.

But fellow Canadians were feeling the heat:

“Omg that was awesome! Love seeing the Canadian volunteer small town firefighters represented!” said one commenter.

Screenshot via Alex Brown/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Alex Brown/YouTube

In fact, judging by all the nice things people had to say, we imagine many of the commenters were Canadian!

“I live in A/H and this is a perfect illustration of what a great Township we live in! Our Volunteer Fire Department is exceptional with awesome people! Great way to initiate the new Fire Hall,” said another.

And, of course, people were particularly enamored of the female firefighter who joined in. After all, she is the best dancer.

Screenshot via Alex Brown/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Alex Brown/YouTube

It appears this was a team-building exercise among a new band of firefighters at a new fire hall. In that case, we can forgive the lack of fireworks and applaud their willingness to put themselves on display as a team.

And since it’s a Git Up Challenge, plenty of people have seen the footage – over 190,000 in less than 6 months!

What can we say? People really love their dance challenges.

There are also a series of comments suggesting the next firehouses to be challenged, so it appears we have yet to see the last of The Git Up.

Be sure to scroll down below to see the latest entry and cast your imaginary vote in the Git Up Challenge.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Alex Brown via YouTube, Blanco Brown via YouTube
