Are Caracals the cutest cat species ever?

Have you ever heard of Caracal cats? It’s a cat species that mainly lives in Africa, the Middle East, and India, and it is probably the cutest cat species in the whole world.

They are solitary and skillful predators that can reach speeds of up to 50 miles per hour, which can account for the fact that they can catch birds as they’re taking off!


The caracal’s characteristic feature is the tufted, pointed ears they have that give them a unique appearance that can’t go unnoticed.

Although they are not fully domesticated, people still find them cute and many want to take them home as pets, although every country- and even every state in the USA- has different regulations about having a Caracal as a pet. In some states, people can actually get a license to own a Caracal cat, while in others this is considered illegal.

Below, you can find proof that Caracal cats are super cute and we’re sure by the end of the article you’ll want to get one or at least have the chance to see and closely observe one in real life.

1. Those eyes

Imgur Source: Imgur

Look at this cute baby! Doesn’t it have the bluest blue eyes you’ve ever seen?

2. Steps

Sergey Polyushko Source: Sergey Polyushko

This baby is confidently taking its first steps, making sure the predator-life will find him prepared.

3. Kitty

pjaxon Source: pjaxon

This sweetheart is having fun running free! He looks just like a common gorgeous cat- only even cuter!

4. Observant

Lucyna Koch Source: Lucyna Koch

How cute is this baby watching a butterfly fly? The cutest, if you ask us!

5. Boo

xmrsdanifilthx Source: xmrsdanifilthx

Is it just us or does this one look like he’s playing peek-a-boo with the camera?

6. Tiny

Andreas Jansrud Source: Andreas Jansrud

This Caracal is so small and so adorable that we just can’t take our eyes off of it!

7. Litter

snodialove Source: snodialove

This litter of Caracal cats looks amazing. Some babies look wilder than the others though!

8. Hungry

xmrsdanifilthx Source: xmrsdanifilthx

This baby is totally enjoying being bottle-fed and we can’t deny it’s adorable!

9. Chatting

xmrsdanifilthx Source: xmrsdanifilthx

This sweetheart is trying to tell you something! Listen carefully!

10. Reflection

Sergey Polyushko Source: Sergey Polyushko

The cat is soon bound to see its reflection in the window glass and we bet it’s going to be a major shock!

11. Proud

imgur Source: imgur

Look how proudly and confidently this Caracal baby is walking. Good job, boy! Wouldn’t want to be whatever he has his eyes set on, though.

12. Vulnerable


Aww! He just looks so vulnerable and fragile. And look at those eyes!

13. Baby Source:

Come on guys, how much cuteness can one person take? This is too much!

14. Eyes

Anthony Ponzo Source: Anthony Ponzo

Wow! Can we just focus on the piercing, marble-effect eyes, and the smile? This kitty is definitely calendar-cat material.

15. Surprise!

Martyn Bennett Source: Martyn Bennett

What’s this coming from behind the bushes? Oh, just a Caracal!

16. Bottle

Imgur Source: Imgur

Baby knows a proper Caracal should be able to feed itself- even if it means drinking milk from the bottle.

17. Marking my space

Filip Najman Source: Filip Najman

So, nothing really uncommon in this one: just a random, gorgeous Caracal rubbing her chin on a leaf!


18. Puppy eyes

zoologicalwildlifefoundation Source: zoologicalwildlifefoundation

Is it just us or does this baby have the most puppy-like eyes you’ve ever seen on a kitty?

19. Camouflage

Anthony Ponzo Source: Anthony Ponzo

Good camouflage skills, we’ll give him that! We almost couldn’t spot him among the tree bark.

20. Wild

Marion Vollborn Source: Marion Vollborn

This one’s to remind us that however cute they are, Caracals are still wild predators!

We hope you had your “aww” moment of the day seeing these pictures! We know we sure did!

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Source: a-z animals, Life with Catman, Bored Panda
