Carol Burnett’s hilarious 1970s toilet paper skit becomes relevant once again

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, panic shopping continues to rise as people rush to prepare for quarantine periods at home.

Food, hand sanitizer and soap are all among the most sought-after goods, but there’s one essential product that shoppers are going wild for – toilet paper.

Getting ahold of the hot commodity is a challenge, despite governments urging citizens to stop stockpiling, and assuring us that grocery stores will remain open.

Erik Mclean Source: Erik Mclean

There’s nothing funny about the global crisis that has closed borders, caused many to lose their jobs, and taken the lives of thousands of people. But in such uncertain times, we can all benefit from a little comedic relief.

For those who don’t know Carol Burnett, she’s an iconic comedian who had her own skit show in the late 60s and 70s.

The show hosted countless celebrity appearances, and had the live audience roaring with laughter until it came to and end after 11 seasons.

Brain Sharpener Source: Brain Sharpener

Carol never could have known where we would be in 2020, but somehow her hilarious toilet paper skit is more relevant than ever before!

She plays a house wife who comes with a bag of groceries to an empty house. She finds a mysterious roll of toilet paper in the fridge with a written note left by her son.

“Dear Mom, your toilet tissue isn’t soft enough, so I went to the library. Forever. Love, Bobby.”

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She laughs and continues putting her groceries inside the cupboard, where she finds another misplaced roll of toilet paper.

This time, a message has been left by her daughter.

“Dear Mom. I ran off with a motorcycle gang that had softer toilet tissue. LuLu.”

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Burnett exclaims:

“She tried to warn me, but I just wouldn’t change brands!”

Then there’s a knock at the door. She gets a “special delivery” from the post man, who hands her yet another roll of toilet paper!

I wish someone would deliver toilet paper to my house right now!

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Of course, it’s from the other mysteriously missing family member – her husband.

“Dear Mom. Mentally, I just couldn’t cope with our toilet tissue so I quit my job today and ran off with the lady chiropractor. The two of us are living now in Arizona, working the earth praying for a good harvest.”

You can’t tell me you’re not already laughing.

“Sure, it’s a simple life compared to what we had, but after your toilet tissue fiasco, this is what I need now. Someday perhaps we’ll see each other again, if not, we’ll work something else out.”

Now you’re cackling.

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She’s full of regret for causing this “toilet tissue fiasco” – why oh why didn’t she buy the better brand?!

“What else could happen to me now?”

Aaaaaand, right on cue, another roll of toilet paper comes flying through the door. It’s from her neighbours, asking her to move out because of her low quality TP.

Then, she finds her cleaning lady wrapped up in toilet paper like a mummy, locked in a closet. The note, my personal favourite, says:

“Dear Mom, I stole your money, your jewelry, and your valuables… but I left your toilet tissue. Love, a burglar.”

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The audience is cracking up as Burnett shouts:

“Why, why did I have to take my toilet tissue for granted?!”

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Which I’m pretty sure we can all relate to now.

Finally, a gigantic roll of toilet paper comes crashing through the wall like the Kool-Aid man, sent by the Jolly Green Giant.

Not one soul is okay with the budget toilet paper Burnett’s character has been buying for the family.

I hope this doesn’t happen to any of the shoppers buying the last of the toilet paper on the shelves today!

Watch the video below for the whole skit, and see a hilarious list of what panic shoppers still aren’t buying by clicking here.

I hope you all stay safe, and stay home.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Carol Burnett Show Official, IMDB
