Elderly man short money for groceries goes to put items away when teen cashier steps in

Kindness goes a long way during these socially distanced times. Now more than ever people are stepping up to help others in need. Gestures like grabbing groceries for an elderly neighbor or even a distanced neighborhood dance party have made the days a whole lot brighter.

Including this teenage cashier Elizabeth Taylor, from Georgetown Tennessee.

YouTube/WRCBtv Source: YouTube/WRCBtv

Taylor has worked at the local Fresh n’ Low during this global pandemic and seen for herself shelves become empty and the anxiety flooding the store. Senior citizens especially have had a tremendously difficult time. Most try to avoid the grocery store at all costs due to their high risk of contracting the virus.

Grocery Store Anxiety

Pexels Source: Pexels

While senior citizens attempt to make the least amount of grocery trips as possible some struggle to have enough cash to buy 2 weeks’ worth of groceries. 17-year-old Taylor can’t help but feel empathy for her elderly customers trying to grab their groceries and go as quickly as they can. When one ‘normal’ day working during a global pandemic had her “pay it forward”.

Random Act Of Kindness

YouTube/WRCBtv Source: YouTube/WRCBtv

A local elderly man named Layne McKeel had been stocking up groceries so he could stay home as long as possible to limit his risk. When McKeel received his disability check in the mail he was ready to make the grocery trip to stock up on essential items and food. McKeel headed to the Fresh n’ Low and filled his cart with all of the items he needed.

The Transaction

YouTube/WRCBtv Source: YouTube/WRCBtv

But when he went up to the cashier he had an unfortunate reality when he missed the senior citizen discount hours. Taylor who was his cashier, announced the total of the filled cart was $170, McKeel pulled out his wallet to find only $140 leaving him in a panic. McKeel began choosing items to put back on the shelves when Taylor jumped in saying,

“No, don’t worry about it, it’s paid for!”

YouTube/WRCBtv Source: YouTube/WRCBtv

17-year-old Taylor couldn’t stand to watch McKeel put back his essential items, so she nobly stepped up to pay for the rest of McKeel’s groceries. Taylor told WRCBtv,

“We’ve seen a lot of older people, and they’re all trying to buy groceries and a lot of places have ran out of stuff, and so the older people are kind of taking the downfall for that. I just try to give back when I can,”

Taylor’s kindhearted act just proves how one act can really make a difference.Compassion is one of the most important things we can have towards one another. These hard times have shown that kindness goes so much farther than we could imagine.

Power Of Kindness

Pexels/ATC Source: Pexels/ATC

McKeel was in utter disbelief to have someone be so generous. He even told WRCBtv,

“She’s just a little angel is what she was. You know, just the light of day.”

YouTube/WRCBtv Source: YouTube/WRCBtv

It’s so important that we continue to care for one another even if it is socially distanced. We’re all in this together and Taylor’s noble act should inspire all of us to radiate that same kindness.

For the full story watch the video below!

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Source: Spotlight Stories, WRCBtv, Good News Network
