Clever bed design turns your bed frame into fun playground for cats

Are you a cat owner? Do you love having your four-legged friends around even when you are having a nap but you would prefer instead of having them snuggle against your head, to have them somewhere they would be cozy and serene?

Well, our story today might be just the thing for you! We all know how much cats love sitting on your lap or hiding behind sofas and under beds, enjoying the warmth offered.

Flickr Source: Flickr

According to the veterinarian Dr. Patty Khuly, “Smaller spaces are safer. Most cats who need to sleep deeply will seek out a denlike structure. A bathroom sink, as it turns out, seems more secure to a cat than a couch”.

Flickr Source: Flickr

This is definitely interesting as we usually perceive cats to be rather independent creatures, moving around quite confidently, so one would assume that they wouldn’t feel “insecure” as to where they are gonna sleep.

“Cats like to be warm. Small spots are quite simply cozier”, said Dr.Khuly.

So that’s why the Colombian brand Catlife, designed a unique piece of furniture, a bed to be precise, to cover the needs of both cat owners and their cats!

Catlife is based in the city of Medellín and the owners of the company, David and Naty, told Bored Panda, “We have always sought for our ‘Catclients’ (that’s what we call the kittens in our community) to be able to satisfy their innate needs and, at the same time, we try to make the furniture beautiful for the home”.

This innovative structure not only serves as a bed but if you observe closely the bed frame, you will discern some holes. Now, holes are probably the last thing one is expecting to see at a bed, right?

Well, these holes are particularly designed to accommodate your furry friends, because as you will see in the pictures, there is a very big surprise hidden under the mattress!

The designers of the Gatrimonial bed, as the bed is called, told Bored Panda; “With our furniture, you can not only continue to enjoy your bed normally but also, you are giving a very special place to your kitten, every cat lover would like to have this bed!”

And as you see in the photos, underneath the bed mattress there is a whole little labyrinth for your cat to explore and play!

This magnificent and ingenious structure not only offers to your cat the necessary playground, because as we all know cats love games, but also gives them a dark and comfy space to doze off!

“With our bed, our cat clients don’t feel invaded in their territory, nor do they have to run looking for a safe space to hide,” the CatLife designers explain.

The Gatrimonial bed costs around $680 and the price includes your bed mattress and the two bedside tables! It really is a bargain, considering its double function.

So, if you are looking into redecorating your bedroom, why not looking into this innovative idea, the bed seems rather well-designed and inexpensive.

In this way, you are hitting two birds with one stone, you are getting a new bed, and your cat a dark and comfy place to hide in!

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Source: Animal Channel, VetStreet, BoredPanda
