Cat befriends a lost baby deer who wanders onto his porch

Most of us have seen a baby deer at one time or another, but they’re usually with their parents grazing on grass. This doe gets separated from its family and ends up on a porch with a curious cat who really just wants to play. You won’t believe how this cat reacts to the lost baby deer, he’s so eager to make a new friend.

This is the cutest thing ever!

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When this baby deer stumbles onto this porch, there’s a curious cat who’s ready for a new friend and isn’t scared to show it

We all know how funny cats can be, especially when it comes to meeting new animals. The doe pays no attention to this kitten, Miro, but that doesn’t stop him from doing everything he can to make a new friend.

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At the beginning of the video, you can see Miro sizing up the doe on his porch as the doe peacefully lays down and minds his own business. Gradually the cat begins playing with baby deer, lightly hitting him with his paw searching for some kind of reaction.

Miro jumps around the doe, softly using his paws to try and entice the deer to play with him

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The way this kitten stares and pounces on the deer has his owner cracking up, but the little doe won’t move a muscle. Normally deer are very skittish animals, but this one isn’t scared at all. He looks like he just wants to take a nap, but Miro won’t let him.

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What a brave doe, even without his mom to protect him he’s cool as a cucumber while Milo circles around him touching him with his paws. At one point, Milo even mimics the deer by laying down the exact same way.

Milo figures if he can’t play with him, he might as well lay with him and starts doing the same thing as the doe

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After trying a little reverse psychology, Miro goes back to his silly antics gently slapping the doe with his paws. It’s obvious that the kitten just wants the deer to entertain him. Watching the cat relentlessly trying to make the deer play is hilarious!

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Miro won’t give up that easy, he continues messing with the deer all the way through the entire video. Once the video of the playful cat making friends with the tired doe ends, they make another video showing us how they got the deer back into the forest.

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In the second video, the guys pick up the doe and proceeded to carry him into the forest to try to get him back to his natural habitat

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They try to get the baby deer to stand up but he gets confused about where to go. After a couple attempts to get him to walk off on his own, one of the guys decides he’ll just carry him off into the forest. Finally, after several attempts, the baby deer walks off on his own back into the forest.

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I bet Miro was sad to see his new friend walk away, hopefully, he doesn’t chase him into the forest. Maybe one day the deer will come back ready to play, now that he knows he has a friend in Miro. To see the hysterical video of the cat making friends with the deer, watch the video below!

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Source: Shareably/AnimalChannel, YouTube
