Copycat learns how to brush his teeth after watching his owner do it

This 2-year-old tabby cat has us cracking up over his new “skill,” which he learned from watching his mom, Stephanie Isidro, every day.

The cute little cat is quite the shadow to Isidro, his very favorite person, and so he’s picked up a couple of human habits in his Pinnochio-like quest to become a real boy.

“He’s extremely brilliant at observing what I do and picking up on my daily habits and routines,” Isidro told The Dodo.

@staphanieisidro/Instagram Source: @staphanieisidro/Instagram

Her little shadow gets up with her at 5 am (which is a lot easier for a cat!) and follows her into the bathroom where he sits on the counter, just staring. He’s done this since he was a tiny kitten.

“He sits there just watching me,” Isidro said, echoing every cat parent on Earth.

Stephanie Isidro via The Dodo Source: Stephanie Isidro via The Dodo

But unlike the creepy stare most of our cats give us, Achilles is actually taking in information (instead of, perhaps, wondering how the action we’re undertaking might end in the production of food).

It wasn’t until Isidro’s sisters were visiting one time that Achilles got his big chance to show mom what he’d learned. She had purchased some extra toothbrushes for the bathroom…and you can probably guess the rest.

Stephanie Isidro via The Dodo Source: Stephanie Isidro via The Dodo

That’s right. Achilles assumed those toothbrushes were for HIM. (And, to be fair, a cat’s dental health is important – but can you imagine your cat willingly brushing its own teeth?!)

Stephanie Isidro/Facebook Source: Stephanie Isidro/Facebook

Isidro described Achilles’ bold moment:

“I was doing my usual morning brushing and I noticed Achilles suddenly mimicking me with my sister’s toothbrush,” Isidro said. “At first, I thought ‘Gross!’ But then as he started doing this often, [I realized] it was genius.”

Stephanie Isidro/Facebook Source: Stephanie Isidro/Facebook

Well, it’s only gross if she let her sisters use those toothbrushes afterward (or put her own in the same container where it would rub up against the ones he was using).

“I’ve had so many pets in my life and I’ve never seen anything like it,” the surprised cat-owner said of her teeth-brushing cat. “If I allow him in the bathroom at night, he even brushes before bed. He’s on top of his oral hygiene.”

Stephanie Isidro/Facebook Source: Stephanie Isidro/Facebook

Wow, that’s better than most humans!

Of course, if you can get your cat used to teeth-brushing early on, that makes their dental healthcare a lot easier throughout their lives.

And while many cat owners might balk – or even laugh – at the thought, we ARE supposed to be brushing our cat’s teeth to keep them healthy!

Stephanie Isidro via The Dodo Source: Stephanie Isidro via The Dodo

While most animals downright refuse to have their teeth brushed, Achilles is going to have some seriously pearly whites.

“I even started leaving an extra toothbrush out just for him,” Isidro said.

Stephanie Isidro via The Dodo Source: Stephanie Isidro via The Dodo

Plenty of cats like to imitate little things their owners do, but this is the first time we’ve ever seen one engage in dental hygiene!

But apparently, Achilles is quite the aspiring human.

“He acts like a mini me,” Isidro said. “He will go to bed if I go to bed and nap when I nap. He even sleeps very similar to me — his tummy up and tucks himself under the covers.”

@stephanieisidro/Instagram Source: @stephanieisidro/Instagram

That’s adorable!

Isidro shared a video of Achilles on her Twitter page before it was picked up by The Dodo.

Be sure to scroll down below to see Achilles give his teeth a good scrub!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Dodo, Slate, @stephanieisidro via Instagram, @stephanieisidr0 via Twitter
