Owl and cat engage in backyard showdown and we’re afraid everyone is going to lose

June 14, 2020 will be a day that will live in infamy for one Belgian housecat.

That’s the day it was strolling innocently through its backyard in Aaigem, Erpe-Mere only to come across one really annoyed owl.

The cat’s owners said of their video:

“We looked outside and saw our cat in our garden in front of the owl. It was so amazing that I recorded this scene. When I decided to go outside to have a better look, the owl flew away.”

Screenshot via Viral Hog/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Viral Hog/YouTube

We don’t know what kind of owls they have in Belgium, but we’d be more concerned about getting our cat to safety than getting a closer look at the creature trying to intimidate the crap out of it!

Then again, only the Great Horned Owl has been known to munch on cats – and even then it’s only when it really has to. Owls normally skip that section of nature’s buffet.

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

While the footage we have is only 8 seconds long and not really enough to draw many conclusions, we are going to give the black and white cat some serious props for standing its ground.

Of course, points go also to the owl for its amazing poofy wings and intimidating dancing skills. It didn’t scare away the cat, but we got pretty darn worried!


Now at least we know why people use those owl decoys to scare small animals away. Other critters know how owls can be – after all, they are technically birds of prey. It’s not just hawks, falcons, eagles, and raptors in that category.

Birds gotta eat!

Needpix Source: Needpix

We REALLY wish we knew what occurred in the seconds before this owl got so angry, because that’s an extreme action for one to take. Many animals make themselves look bigger in order to intimidate possible predators, so that housecat must have had some strong words.

For its part, the cat looks like one of those Halloween decorations that’s seen a ghost. It’s back is hunched, it’s fur is sticking up – we would put good money on it hissing in this moment as well.

Screenshot via Viral Hog/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Viral Hog/YouTube

It’s safe to say no one is having a good time (except the marveling humans, maybe).

The problem is if both animals are in defensive mode, neither one is going to turn it’s back and walk away. Both would have to put themselves in a vulnerable position in order to get out of this mess.

You probably won’t be surprised to know that the cat’s owners got roasted in the comments wherever the video appeared on social media.


“You think its funny, but your cat was on the edge of death. And you just watch and film it. This is betrayal,” was one of the tamer comments.

Then again, lots of people found it funny. And while that’s not the word we would use, it sure is a fascinating look into behavior we don’t see owls engage in very often (then again, we don’t see owls very often).

Flickr Source: Flickr

In any case, it’s much better to watch this in action and since there’s no gore at the end and we know a human coming into the yard broke up what could have been a messy fight, we feel less bad about taking a peek.

You can scroll down below to see the short footage for yourself.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Viral Hog via YouTube, International Owl Center
h/t: Bored Panda
