Stray cat hugs abandoned dog as they both wait to be rescued
When humans failed a stray dog and cat, it was up to them to take care of each other.
This stray cat took it upon herself to make sure this dog was comforted after his family abandoned him.
The dog was owned by a senior citizen who lived in an apartment building. The owner was transferred to a senior care home and had to leave their dog behind.
The dog was left outside of the apartment building. This loyal dog refused to leave his home.
He truly believed that his owner would return for him. So, he waited outside the apartment building.
According to The Zebra, only 10 percent of dogs that are born will find a permanent home.
About 3.9 million dogs are abandoned or given to shelters each year.
Out of all the dogs that are surrendered about 14.1 percent of them were surrendered due to housing issues.
Residents of the apartment building said that the dog had been sitting outside the apartment waiting for its owner for over six months.
Thankfully, this dog wasn’t completely on his own. A local cat decided that it would buddy up with the dog so it wouldn’t get lonely.
The cat had been reportedly following the dog around for a few months. The cat would cuddle the dog’s head and hug him tight so that he wouldn’t get sad.
Someone laid out a blanket for them to lay on in front of the building.
The two would snuggle up tight together and even play around on that blanket together. But when humans would approach, the cat would hop away.
Once the humans were gone, she hop back over to her buddy and snuggle up with him. Some of the residents would feed them every so often.
One nice lady built a little house for them so they could stay warm during the cold weather. She also left them good to eat.
But the winter was coming and the residents of the building became very concerned about the pair and called animal services since no one offered to take them in.
Rescuers knew that catching these two would probably be difficult.
They just wanted to stay together and knew people kept trying to capture them. It took over a day to catch them.
They were taken to the vet and given a check-up. Both animals were found to be in surprisingly good health for stray animals.
The residents at the apartment building must have taken good care of them.
One of the residents was happy that they were caught but worried about whether or not they would find a family that truly loves them.
One of the residents even visited the pair at the local shelter. She wished that they would be adopted together.
“A lady who has been looking after stray cats in the area took the cat with her. The dog is living with the apartment security. Yes, they are not adopted together. But their present owners are keeping in touch, so these two little guys see each other frequently,” one said in the video’s comments.
Check out the video below.
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Source: Kritter Klub, The Zebra