Loving, senior cat is abandoned by his family – walks until he can’t take another step

Ozzie is a very good cat who was, unfortunately, dealt a not-so-great card in life. The senior cat, who was 15-years-old at the time, had a home… That is, until he didn’t.

One day, the mistreated cat was kicked out of his house with nowhere to go. He was left to fend for himself on the streets and it didn’t help that he was already in deep pain.

Ozzie was very sick and lost. He was completely on his own with nowhere to go.

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He was clearly malnourished and severely underweight — he was pretty much just skin and bones, nothing else. In addition to that, his hair was matted everywhere and his legs were in so much pain because they were so tight.

His legs caused him so much pain already that it hurt to walk.

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When he was on the streets on his own, he tried so hard to continue walking but eventually he had to give up and stop. He stumbled upon a porch and it was there that he decided to huddle under it while he took a break.

“Ozzie was a very sick lost old cat when he found shelter on a porch. He was emaciated down to skin and bones. His long fur was matted all over his body. It was so tight between his legs that walking was painful for poor Ozzie,” Animal Advocates wrote via Facebook back in 2017.

“Who knows how far the poor old boy struggled to walk until he gave up and huddled on that porch,” they added.

Luckily, Ozzie was lost for only a few days until he was finally found by the animal rescue organization.

“Ozzie has had many months of medical procedures for various conditions. But last week he was finally well enough to have a full dental done. He had many bad teeth removed. This cost AAS almost $1,000,” they said.

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“Added to the other bills we paid to give Ozzie the life he deserved near the end of his life, we have paid over $2,000. He is worth it of course – they all are,” they added.

If it wasn’t for Animal Advocates’ extreme kindness and generosity, who knows where Ozzie would have ended up.

Fortunately, there is good news. Ozzie may have had a tough life but eventually, it got better. Even though it took longer than expected, he finally got the love he deserved.

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The cat’s foster mom gave the organization a wonderful update following Ozzie’s dental surgery:

“Ozzie looks like a kitten since his surgery. He is eating more and has put on weight and he and our dear old dog Nik Nik are playing. That’s a first!” His foster mom said. “He is such a ham. He loves the tie.”

She continued, “The pic of Ozzie and Nik Nik, was taken when a flock of birds landed at the feeders outside the window. They often watch the birds together.”

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Animal Advocates added:

“Ozzie is one of AAS’s ‘keeper cats,’ cats who are old or ill. And so we pay for life-time care with experienced colleagues who we absolutely know we can trust to always know what to do to make keepers happy and safe.”

It may have taken longer than expected but we are so happy to hear that Ozzie is finally doing well. He is looking great and healthy, too!

See the organization’s Facebook post below.

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Source: I Heart Cats
