Hilarious cat leaps over kitchen floor every time because she’s convinced it’s evil


Cats, just like any other animal really, are scared of many different things. According to science, having a reasonable amount of fear is crucial to keep the lineage going. And cats couldn’t be exempted from this rule.

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However, identifying what cats are afraid of is quite difficult, because they tend to be afraid of many things. For instance, they may be scared of anything that makes a loud noise, or babies, strangers, going to the vet, and, as we found out recently… the kitchen floor!

Yes, you read that correctly. There are cats that are afraid of a certain floor inside the house. In fact, we only know one, for the time being, Leapfrog.

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Leapfrog was adopted from a litter of foster kittens. According to her mom, she has always been a little different from other cats. More specifically, she says it was as if she had been raised by goats, that’s how much and how high she used to jump all the time.

“Of all the cats I’ve ever had growing up and as an adult,” Leapfrog’s mom told The Dodo, “she’s odd. She’s a loner; she sticks to herself. She really doesn’t hang with Daffodil [the other family cat].”

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Leapfrog isn’t interested in treats either, while she doesn’t like to be picked up. She’s a quite peculiar cat, but that’s what her family loves about her.

And, of course, she hates the kitchen floor. Right, she probably thinks it’s evil or something because she never walks on it- she always leaps over it to avoid stepping on it. Even if she’s in someone’s arms and they let her down in the kitchen, she will rush out of there, almost flying over the kitchen floor.

“For years I always sat at my computer,” Leapfrog’s mom says, “and, out of the corner of my eye, I would see her come from the steps and leap over that spot directly into the dining room.”

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That’s right, Leapfrog went directly from the office to the dining room, leaping over the spot where the kitchen comes between the two rooms.

Occasionally, the family would place stuff in that corner of the kitchen, but the cat would still leap over it. So, they started making themed corners for different occasions and so they have captured so far many special moments with Leapfrog and her corner.

“And then I just started getting more and more silly with the staff I would put there and the stories I would create. I’ve put people in the spot, I’ve put dogs in the spot. Holiday themes, the dollar store is my friend.”

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Leapfrog has been filmed leaping over Christmas trees, St. Patrick’s stuff, Halloween witches, snowmen, and what not. Watching her doing her signature leap is just adorable! She’s just one of a kind really!

If you want to see her too, you can simply click play on the video below and enjoy it.

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Source: The Dodo, Catster
