This adorable cat is completely in love with her father’s piano playing

If we are being totally honest, cats are strange creatures. Who can deny that? They have a reputation for being very independent — they don’t really tend to rely on their owners or any of the humans around them. But even more than that, they can sometimes come off as rude… Perhaps a little too independent?

That’s why when people have the option to choose between cats or dogs, the people who are looking for love and affection will often choose dogs. Dogs are a little less independent and they enjoy showing their appreciation for their owners.

Instagram Source: Instagram

People who choose cats are people who are maybe looking for a pet who can be left alone a little bit more. If you want a pet who is good on its own, you will probably end up choosing a kitty.

But we said cats are strange creatures, and that’s why.

We know cats tend to act like lone wolves, so when they suddenly don’t act like that, it is very strange!

Instagram Source: Instagram

We aren’t saying that cats never show love and affection… We’re saying that when they do show love, it feels almost like a surprise. Like it’s out of character for them or something. It would be normal to be caught off guard by this.

It is rare but it definitely happens. And perhaps it makes their rare moments of appreciation even more special, because it’s not something you get from them all day every day!

Instagram Source: Instagram

Sarper Duman is a musician who plays piano. He has been posting videos of him playing piano to Instagram for a while and he has gained so much traction that he currently has over a million followers on the social media platform.

He is a fantastic artist who plays stunning pieces that are classical, pretty, and somber. He makes it look like a totally effortless skill in every clip too, never playing a single note out of place.

Instagram Source: Instagram

But there is a factor in his videos that makes them even more charming.

Perhaps why he also has so many fans is because of his cat, also known as his biggest fan. When Sarper films a video of himself playing piano, he also sits his cat in his lap so that he can watch the “show” from the best seat in the house.

Instagram Source: Instagram

It is clear that this cat is his number one fan because his reaction to his owner’s piano playing is absolutely priceless.

When Sarper plays, the cat just minds its own business as it dances around, looks as calm as ever, and rolls around his lap. He purrs and rubs his head up against his cat papa’s arm and just shows how smitten he is to be listening to such beautiful music.

Instagram Source: Instagram

It’s no wonder Sarper has so many fans online. He is a fantastic musician in his own right, no question, but his adorable kitten definitely takes his performances to the next level!

Watch one of the videos that has everyone going crazy below!

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Source: I Heart Cats
