Video of cat playing the theramin has people begging others to watch ’til the end

Over the years, we have seen animals playing various musical instruments. From a walrus playing a horn to birds playing the guitar. But these are common instruments. What about a theremin?

“A what?” you may be asking. Well, a theremin is a musical instrument that some people- if not most- haven’t heard before. So, let us help you out with this. A theremin is an electronic musical instrument played by the thereminist without him even contacting it. It consists of two metal antennas (one controlling pitch-one controlling volume) and a speaker- and, probably, a few more technical parts, but let’s not get into that!

Flickr Source: Flickr

The theremin was named after its inventor, Russian physicist Lev Termen (or, as he’s known in the West, Leon Theremin). Termen invented the musical instrument in 1920, as a product of Soviet government-sponsored research into proximity sensors.

The point is that a theremin is played without the thereminist touching it, so it kind of looks creepy. Almost as creepy as it sounds.

Flickr Source: Flickr

To get an idea of how eery the sounds it makes are, it is worth mentioning that a theremin was used in the soundtracks of movies like Spellbound, The lost weekend, and TV series like Midsomer Murders.

Now, keeping all the above in mind, can you imagine how funny it is to watch a cat play the theremin? Well, that’s quite something. And it has actually happened. Twitter user Wylie Cable, a DJ and record label owner himself, posted the cat accidentally playing the theremin and it is such a cute sight to watch!

Twitter Screenshot Source: Twitter Screenshot

The kitty has approached the weird machine and is trying to figure out what it is and what it is used for. As it moves its front paws, sounds start coming from the theremin- the cat is actually playing without realizing it. However, this kind of freaks the cat out, and she tries to understand where the sounds come from and what makes them.

Twitter Screenshot Source: Twitter Screenshot

As she moves her paws, the sounds keep coming, shifting and changing as the cat moves closer to and farther from it. She’s then trying to bite the air- that’s where the sounds are coming right?- but, of course, there’s nothing there. She then finds the antenna and in a way blames that for the creepy sounds.

All the while, another cat is watching the funny show. The second white cat is observing her friend and looks really interested in whatever’s going on.

Twitter Screenshot Source: Twitter Screenshot

The tweet was shared more than five thousand times and got more than 15K likes. Twitter users commented about how cute this was and how they loved the reaction of the second cat.

“Ya I hope everyone watches to the end lol,” someone wrote, while another user commented: “This is the last thing I need to see, I am ready to pass happily now.”

You can watch the cute cat playing the theremin in the video below.

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Source: Twitter, Time, Wikipedia
