Firefighters do a double-take when they see cat running into burning building to save her kittens

There are numerous people who deserve to be praised as a hero, but it turns out that there are some four-footers out there who can be just as heroic and brave. A hero is definitely not a term that is uniquely human, something that this momma cat from Brooklyn has proven.

In the city, a building suddenly caught fire where a couple of stray cats were residing. Momma cat was outside, but her kittens were trapped into the burning home that was engulfed in flames.

Without complete disregard for her own health, the motherly cat Scarlett ran straight towards the blaze and entered the burning building to save her babies.

The Epoch Times Source: The Epoch Times

The firefighters were completely stunned when they saw the whole thing happening, and the cat was too fast to be stopped. She needed to get her kittens out, no matter the cost.

One by one, the momma cat entered the severely burning home to carry out her babies. She got them to safety by grabbing each of them by their necks with her own teeth. It probably wasn’t comfortable, but it was the only way she could get them out quickly.

Scarlett managed to enter and leave the building via the garage, and every trip back into the home to grab her children took a toll: she became more and more injured and exhausted.

It didn’t take long before most of her fur went missing and she was suffering for severe burn wounds.

The Epoch Times Source: The Epoch Times

When momma cat finally managed to get the last kitten out safely, Scarlett simply fainted and fell to the ground. She was completely out of energy and the flames just took their toll on her fragile body. The firefighters were heartbroken when they witnessed her dropping to the ground.

Since the cats were strays, nobody was there to take care of them. Luckily, the Brooklyn firefighters made sure they were okay and that they would get all the medical attention they needed. But first, the flames needed to be put out.

When the blaze finally calmed down, it became clear just how serious Scarlett’s condition was.

Her paws were completely damaged and the poor cat was wounded severely on and around her eyes. The most tragic injury, however, was her face. Scarlett’s eyes were almost completely sealed shut because of the fire. Even though the fire may have been dealt with, this cat certainly wasn’t out of the woods just yet.

It was firefighter David Gianelli who made to trip to the local veterinary clinic with all of the cats, to give them the best fighting chance to make it alive.

Tragically, one of the kittens succumbed to her injuries. The damage was just too severe.

The four other kittens, however, were in good health thanks to mom’s heroic efforts.

Laura Driscoll, DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan via Amazon Source: Laura Driscoll, DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan via Amazon

In fact, all of the kittens found a loving forever home at adoptive families not long after the incident. The clinic that took care of them knew how important it was that they had a familiar face nearby, so they decided to only let people adopt them in two pairs.

The story about this heroic cat rescue made international news at the time, and it has even been retold in children’s books!

After a while, Scarlett also found a new home.

The Epoch Times Source: The Epoch Times

Karen Wellen fell in love with this amazing four-footer and knows what it’s like to be traumatized by an accident. Karen had a rough car crash a few years earlier and specifically wanted to adopt a feline who had been through something similar. She wanted to take care of a hurt cat because she figured that no one else would be willing to.

What an absolutely amazing rescue story!

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Source: The Epoch Times, NY Daily News
