20 cats who became best friends with soldiers overseas


Serving overseas can be lonely. But, some servicemen have found comfort and friendship in some four-legged friends. While cats may not be seen as “man’s best friend”, like dogs, they can provide companionship and comfort.

Check out these photos that show that cats can provide comfort and friendship in some of the hardest times.

1. Hey Tiny Kitty

There’s no such thing as a kitty that’s too bitty. This little guy proves that as he poses for a selfie with his soldier.


Imgur Screenshot Source: Imgur Screenshot

2. Finding a Friend While Sleeping

Sometimes it can be hard to get a few minutes of sleep. So, if you can have a tiny friend to help as a napping buddy, it can make all the difference. This little kitty doesn’t seem to mind the tough conditions.

Imgur Screenshot Source: Imgur Screenshot

3. Happy Kitty

I think we can credit this kitty with providing some moments of happiness in an unhappy place. This soldier looks


pretty content.


Kathy Wilden Screenshot Source: Kathy Wilden Screenshot

4. Comfy Kitty

While this may look like an uncomfortable position, this cat doesn’t seem to mind. It just goes to show that not everyone has the same ideas when it comes to being comfy. Oh, and the soldier doesn’t seem to mind either.

Reddit Screenshot Source: Reddit Screenshot

5. It’s time to Share

See, even cats know how to share. Sharing is caring.

Imgur Screenshot Source: Imgur Screenshot

6. Camouflaged Kitties

These cats blend right into their surroundings. That’s why we call them camouflaged kitties. They’re also pretty cute too!

Olya Kuzmyn Source: Olya Kuzmyn

7. Popular Soldier

This soldier is popular! There was probably a bit of a car fight to determine who was going to win this soldier’s heart. But, it looks like they all won in the end, soldier included.

Laurie C. Source: Laurie C.

8. Don’t Forget the Cat!

This soldier has all the provisions, including the cat! You can’t leave him out, now can you?

Pedro Zadorozhyny Source: Pedro Zadorozhyny

9. Safe and Sleepy

It seems as though this cat is safe and sound as he catches a few z’s with his favorite soldier. The soldier seems pretty content too.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

10. There’s Always Time for Affection

While this soldier may be ready for battle, there’s always time to show some affection to a little feline friend. They both seem to be enjoying this precious moment.


Jessy Dou Source: Jessy Dou

11. Lending a Helping Hand

This cat fits right in. He’s ready to give a helping hand, no matter the job. His soldier friend doesn’t seem to mind.

cat_befriends' soldier
galbataar.wordpress Source: galbataar.wordpress

12. Dinner Time

If this photo doesn’t melt your heart, we’re not sure what will. Soldiers take time to feed this little kitten, giving him just the right amount of food ever so gently.


Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

13. Ready for Patrol

Check out this little feline who’s ready for “paw-trol”. He seems pretty focused as his soldier friend follows behind.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

14. BFFS Forever

Everyone needs some downtown with their favorite animal, soldiers are no different. This cat doesn’t seem to mind the little one-on-one attention that he’s receiving.

Camilia Winkel Source: Camilia Winkel

15. Dinnertime Friend

This soldier has a little friend with him for dinner. There’s nothing like sharing a meal with your best friend.


Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

If these pictures don’t prove that you can find some love and happiness in any situation, we don’t know what does. It just goes to show you to always take time to find the silver lining wherever you may be.

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