New study says cats – not dogs – may actually be man’s best friend

Here’s some information for cat lovers everywhere that we’re sure you will love!

There is more to cat lovers than just old “cat ladies.” Many people appreciate the connections they experience with cats. Some even own the title “cat-chelor” instead of Batchelor. These would be men, who are single, and own cats. We pulled this data from a study in Britain. commissioned a study that was completed by One Poll Group and 1,000 single men who were residing in the UK were asked about their cats in particular. The study kind of doomed the idea of “Man’s best friend” going to the dog.
Have cat’s taken over the title of man’s best friend?
1,000 single men were pooled, and a third of those men reported that purchasing a feline friend was the best decision they had made.

The CEO of, Mr. Johnny Gould reported,
“The news comes as a blow for man’s best friend, with a quarter of single men going as far as to say cats are on their way to usurping dogs from their throne.
“Our feline friends can often come up against a bit of stick for being independent and aloof, so it’s great to shine a compassionate light on how the nation’s cats are taking care of us.
“Cats can offer great emotional support, so it’s only fair that we take care of them in return.”
What the study found, you’ll never believe it!

The study focused on cats, men, and the feelings we have towards our furry companions. It found that:
- 1 in 4 believe having a cat has removed some of the pressure of being single as felines are great friends
- 29% feel their cat helps them to be calmer individuals
- 1 in 10 single men have received “counsel” from their cat after a break-up
Here’s a big question, do cats change anything in regards to finding lovers for their “Cat-chelors?”
- 1 in 4 feel their cat makes them seem more loving to others
- 1 in 6 credit their cat with scoring them more dates
- 1 in 5 has bailed on a date after learning the person does not like cats
- 1 in 5 single men believe their romantic lives would be positively impacted by having a cat

European journalist and “Cat-chelor”, Basil Kronfli, commented,
“We’ve always been told that dogs are man’s best friend.
“But I reckon cats make way better companions for single professionals, especially if you have to travel with work like I do.
“Jasper and Max do their business outside, don’t need daily walks, and we operate on a need-to-stroke basis, when they need strokes or scratches, I drop everything and deliver.
“The rest of the time, they’re busy catting like pros and I can crack on with work or play – purrrfection.”

Summing up cats…
While cats often prove more low-maintenance than dogs, it doesn’t mean single men are giving their cats any less care. In fact, 9 out of 10 single men rate the quality of their kitty cats’ lives as high. Seventy-six percent of the “cat-chelors” take their cats to annual checkups. Single men with cats make sure their buds are living good even if a third of them don’t care for changing the litter pan.’
Cats can even prove to be lower maintenance upkeep than dogs. But the single men in the study still showed that they give their cats the adequate amount of love and support they deserve. 9/10 men would list the quality of their cats life as high. While 76% of these single cat-owning men take their cats to regular checkups. It’s clear that single men make some of the best cat owners!

Gould went on to say,
“For millennia, cats have been revered as everything from divine beings and supernatural sprites to internet sensations.
“As well as reigning the internet, our study has uncovered yet another string to our feline’s bow – emotional and friendly support for the single men of Britain.”
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Source: IHeartCats, Instagram