Cute Chihuahua cures dad’s quarantine snack craving by bringing him Cheetos

With the increasing number of COVID-19 patients worldwide, more and more people are finding it important to isolate themselves and obey their government’s rules regarding home quarantine.
They try hard not to leave their homes unless it’s absolutely necessary, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. It’s times like these that people get creative.
Like how this man found a workaround to staying home when he had a snack craving by using his dog.

Antonio Muñoz had a serious hankering for some Cheetos.
However, since he was in quarantine, he couldn’t just go out and get to the grocery store across the street.
Instead of just giving up on his Cheetos dream, he came up with a clever plan to get the snack.

Rather than leaving his home, he decided to send his dog Choki.
The tiny Chihuahua, although confused at first, accepted the task.
Of course, Antonio wanted to make sure that his dog got the right kind of Cheetos, so he even came up with a plan to help Choki bring home the goods.

He attached a note and some cash to his dog’s collar. It said:
“Hello Mr. Shopkeeper. Please sell my dog some Cheetos, the orange kind, not the red ones, they’re too hot. She has $20 attached to her collar. WARNING: She will bite if not treated right. Your front neighbour.”
At first, it looked like a mission that was bound to fail from the very beginning.
For one, there are so many variables that could affect the dog’s journey to the shop. One concern was her ability to find the shop.
Even if she managed to find the store, how could the dog make the owner pay attention to her? Plus, the money on her collar could easily attract the attention of thieves.
Fortunately, the dog was able to complete her mission.

After a few minutes, Choki managed to find her way back home with a bag of Cheetos in her mouth for her owner!
Though it all worked out for Choki and her human, it turns out that even our dog friends should be staying at home.
While Antonio’s decision to send his pet to the grocery store seemed practical, it was a bad move for him and for the dog. This is because coronavirus may affect dogs.
There’s actually already been at least two cases where dogs have tested positive for the virus, just that we know of.

The first was a 17-year-old Pomeranian who got infected and was quarantined at home in Hong Kong. While there’s no proof of the dog being capable of transmitting the disease, experts warn people to exercise caution.
Apart from the Pomeranian, another dog tested positive for coronavirus.
It was a 2-year-old German Shepherd that belonged to a 30-year-old infected woman. It was given oral and nasal swabs and was confined separately in a different kennel from the other dog in the house. He showed no symptoms.
It turns out that cats can get infected, too.

One tiger in New York city’s Bronx Zoo developed loss of appetite and dry cough after getting in contact with its zookeeper who tested positive for the virus.
The chief veterinarian at the zoo shared:
“This is the first time that any of us know of anywhere in the world that a person infected the animal and the animal got sick.”
The other big cats in the zoo didn’t show any symptoms. And fortunately, the infected one is expected to make a full recovery. They are doing very well and they remain highly interactive with their keepers.
The takeaway? Everybody should be careful.
Social isolation is an important key to keeping people safe these days. The less you go out and interact with other people, the better. The same goes for your pet, too.
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Source: Bored Panda, Facebook