Adorable Chihuahua performs choreography to 'Swan Lake' with her owner

Chihuahuas make excellent companions for those who are short on living space. Their compact lets people carry them to places without the need for a large carrier. What’s more, they don’t make as much of a mess as a bigger dog would.

Though have you ever expected a Chihuahua to be a good dancer?

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This Chihuahua and her handler performed Swan Lake together, and that little dog sure can move.

Dogs showing how brainy they are is nothing new. Dog shows have been around for a while now, but getting a dog to remember choreography is quite a different task, isn’t it?

That makes this performance all the more impressive, and all the more adorable.

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Our little Chihuahua’s name is Joya, and her handler here is dancer Karin Baumann.

Her handler is a very experienced dancer, but Joya makes it clear that she can keep up.

The crowd watches on as the two dance to the elegant tune of Tchaikovsky’s 1876 composition, “Swan Lake”.

Karin shuffles her feet gracefully in what’s known as point technique, and Joya does her best to be a graceful on all fours.

Karin stops to hold a stance, and Joya knows its her cue to prop herself up against her.

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No ballet shoes for this Chihuahua. The breed is just under 4 pounds. Being light on your feet is easy when you’re already pretty light!

The song is called Swan Lake, and the set pieces are absolutely on-theme.

Joya has to perch on one of the prop swans at the right time. She pulls it off wonderfully. I’ve never seen a more graceful Chihuahua in my life.

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Being the lead that Joya is following, Karin has to be at the top of her game.

It takes hours and hours of stretches, painful toes, and exhausting practice to move like she’s moving.

But practice pays off. Her shuffles and pirouettes are smooth and on point.

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We all know that having an experienced dance partner helps a lot with duo performances.

Karin now bends down towards Joya to lift her up. Joya plants her tiny legs separately onto Karin’s hands.

The human, of course, has no trouble lifting up the toy-sized dog.

That’s not the end of it either. If you’ve enjoyed their performance so far, then watch this final act.

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With the music reaching the climax, Karin and Joya have to up the energy even more.

Joya hops onto the first swan, then the other. She follows Karin’s lead without missing a step, even with the intensity turned up.

In the highlight of their performance, Karin then shuffles in a wide half-circle like she’s ice-skating.

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Of course, Joya keeps up and runs along in the same direction. Now the two look like they’re skating across the ice in unison.

Applause would have been deserved right there, but they’ve got to wrap things up first. Karin and Joya now gracefully fall to the ground. Joya looks particularly cute with her little legs up in the air.

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Much-deserved applause ensues. I certainly feel like giving them applause right now.

“Fantastic ending!” – says one of the announcers. I’m sure we all agree with that!

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Source: Crufts on YouTube
