10 skin conditions common in German shepherds (and what you can do to treat them)

German shepherds tend to have sensitive skin. They can easily be impacted by allergies, changes in the environment, diet, and stress. Fortunately, many of the skin conditions experienced by GSDs are easily treatable.

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Skin inflammation

General skin inflammation is a common condition that impacts German shepherds. Symptoms of inflamed skin include redness, discomfort, and itchiness. You might notice your GSD licking at areas of inflamed skin.

In many cases, this skin inflammation is just a case of them having gotten into something they shouldn’t have. Chlorhexidine shampoo can be used to wash away bacteria and promote skin healing.

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Ringworm does not actually involve a worm. It is a highly contagious fungus, however, and it thrives living on the skin and nails of dogs. Ringworm can be spread easily, including between people and pets. It is best to see a vet in order to have this condition diagnosed but a Miconazole shampoo will help relieve symptoms.

Ringworm may be noticeable as red circular rings on the skin, areas of fur loss, and/or scabby skin.

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Bacterial infection

A bacterial infection may appear similar to other common skin conditions. Symptoms may include lesions, pain, hair loss in the area, redness, and/or crustiness. If it is accompanied by a foul odor, it is best to see a vet.

Using a Ph balanced shampoo that contains Miconazole Nitrate and Chlorhexidine Gluconate will wash away bacteria and help the skin heal.

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Fungus or Yeast

If you notice your GSD’s skin is red, gray, or changing skin texture, it might be a result of excess fungus or yeast. You can relieve your GSDs symptoms by applying a shampoo with Miconazole and oatmeal.

Canine acne

Canine acne can appear on the lips and muzzle of your GSD. If left untreated they can become infected and cause scarring. A Benzoyl Peroxide shampoo and creme rinse can help alleviate symptoms.

Pexels - Brett Sayles Source: Pexels - Brett Sayles


Dermatitis can cause itchy skin that is uncomfortable for your German shepherd. This condition can be a result of changes in the environment, allergies, flea bites, or changes in diet. A shampoo with melaleuca, rosemary, and coconut oil can soothe your dog’s dermatitis and make them much more comfortable.


Seborrhea is a type of dermatitis that specifically impacts the sebaceous glands. It presents as flaky, red, and itchy skin. A shampoo with sulfur and salicylic acid can help reduce your dog’s symptoms. Sometimes, Seborrhea is caused by an underlying medical condition so it is best to have a vet assess your dog if they develop this.

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Folliculitis impacts the hair follicles of your dog. It can present as swelling, pimples, and/or hair loss. This can impact any dog breed but German shepherds seem particularly prone to these types of infections. It is best to have your GSD assessed by a vet but a Benzoyl Peroxide shampoo and creme rinse may alleviate symptoms.

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Demodectic Mange

This condition is caused by the mite that makes its home in the hair follicles of dogs. It will present as hair loss and red, scaly skin. A Benzoyl Peroxide shampoo should alleviate symptoms but it is best to have your dog assessed by a vet if they develop this condition.

Pexels -Morten Hai Hansen Source: Pexels -Morten Hai Hansen

Dry and itchy skin

Just like people, German shepherds can suffer from dry and itchy skin. Numerous things can cause this to happen including changes in the environment, allergies, fleas or other bug bites, and many other things. An oatmeal shampoo and conditioner can help alleviate symptoms. Severe cases should be assessed by a vet.

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Source: German Shepherd Shop/VetDerm
