12 times people realized companies were tricking them

The products we love are repackaged all of the time, but oftentimes it extends to more than just a simple rebranding. In addition to new packaging for their products, many companies also like to see what they can get out of the consumer.

They do this by reducing the amount of product offered in the new and improved packaging. Here are 12 examples of times that companies tricked their customers into buying less for more.

1. Size comparison

Reddit – my-life-ducks Source: Reddit – my-life-ducks

Shampoo bottling has changed over time, with companies offering a variety of sizes to fit almost every need. Unfortunately, when this shampoo got a downgrade in size, the price stayed the same. Why pay more for less? Because you have to have your favorite shampoo to wash your hair regardless of the asking price.

2. The better Twix

Flickr – Scouse Smurf – CC BY-NB 2.0 Source: Flickr – Scouse Smurf – CC BY-NB 2.0

We’ve all heard of the argument of which is better, left Twix or right Twix, but what about which is the biggest? According to sources, the new Twix bar (both sides) is roughly 14 percent smaller than the original. To top it off, the new Twix bars cost the same as the old bars.

3. Bigger bag

Reddit - AApicklesAA Source: Reddit - AApicklesAA

You would think with a bigger bag that you would get more product, but that is not always the case. Take Doritos for instance. There is the same number of grams of chips per bag in both their large bags and smaller bag. I guess it pays to really pay attention to what you are buying.

4. Taking it to the taps

Flickr – Bernt Rostad = CC BY 2.0 Source: Flickr – Bernt Rostad = CC BY 2.0

Even such places as bars seem to be jumping on the saving at the customer’s expense bandwagon. This is best shown in the slower glass sizes, 14 ounces compared to 16 ounces. Not only does the new size cost the same, but it also leaves bar patrons more apt to order another beer to make up for it.

5. Providing Proof

Twitter - Pringles Source: Twitter - Pringles

This customer took it upon themselves to complain to Pringles when they noticed the smaller-sized chip in the product they bought. Of course, the company denied the claim. So, the customer had to back up their claim with a photo, which they did. Of course, the price remained the same for the smaller chips.

6. Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar

Reddit – richardginn666 Source: Reddit – richardginn666

Kit-Kat has also joined the smaller candy bar camp. Not only has the company reduced the size of its popular Kit-Kat bar, but it is also charging the same price as before. I guess as long as their customers are okay with it it’s not that big of a deal.

7. A change in boxes

Reddit - wulkes Source: Reddit - wulkes

When Hefty changed its box size, they ended up with fewer bags per box. Despite this reduction in the value of the product to their customers, the company continues to charge the same price for the smaller box that they did for the larger box.

8. On a mission to Mars

Reddit – FLYING_Dutchman_13 Source: Reddit – FLYING_Dutchman_13

Mars has taken the reduced size candy bar to the next level, in fact, it is out of this world. Instead of charging the same price for a smaller bag as for the previous, larger one, the company has more than doubled the price of their trademark product.

9. A change in formula

Open Food Facts Source: Open Food Facts

Weird how products seem to stay the same price even after there has been a change. Chances are with this product, Cadbury more than likely saved money. The company, which changed the way the product was made to help tackle obesity, probably ended up using a more cost-effective blend in the process.

10. Super cereal

Flickr – ms.akr – CC BY 2.0 Source: Flickr – ms.akr – CC BY 2.0

If you grab a normal box of cereal, not the humongous jumbo-sized boxes, then be sure to pay close attention. When buying cereal, look at the number of grams to make sure you are getting your money’s worth. It seems even the cereal companies are reducing the amounts in their boxes of cereal to cut costs.

11. Less beefy

Reddit - Warmingsensation Source: Reddit - Warmingsensation

While your dog probably doesn’t know the difference, you do, and that is all that matters. Companies and their penchant for always taking something away. Seldom is it the other way around.

12. Less for more of the same

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Facebook – Nan’s SuperValu Ballymun Source: Facebook – Nan’s SuperValu Ballymun

For those of you who thought that a large bottle of your favorite soft drink provided 2 liters of sugary goodness, it would seem times are a-changing. Apparently, Coke, one of the most popular brands on the market, has reduced their 2 liters to 1.75 liters, though the company still charges the same price.

Source: Reddit – Shrink_Flation, Twitter – Pringles, Shareably
