The most cringe-worthy expensive fails that make you glad you aren't them

We all know that you shouldn’t be careless with your expensive things. You should take care of them, keep them safe, and not let them fall into the water or get run over by a car or anything like that.

But what happens when you or someone handling your pricey possession happens to be careless? When does this punishment for being careless reach its peak?

Breaking expensive things can be funny.

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But they’re also heartbreaking! Just realizing the cost that comes with being careless is already a painful thing to process. But for people who get to watch these things, they get to experience a rollercoaster of emotions!

Some would find it incredibly hilarious while some would feel empathy for the owner who wasted money. And some experience both emotions simultaneously.

Expensive fails truly come at a cost.

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In a Youtube video, a series of clips showcasing people breaking extremely expensive stuff was compiled. I must say that these videos are indeed hilarious! Well, maybe except for the one having to pay for the damages.

One clip showed how three uncoordinated men threw a really pricey cake just because they couldn’t get themselves in sync.

The cake fell down in pieces.

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The woman taking the video screamed in shock and disbelief! Well if you’re transporting a cake this huge and pricey, might as well hire the most poised people in the field, right?

Another one is a commercial airplane being transported on a truck. It looks like the driver miscalculated the height of a bridge and the plane just crashed into it.

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Can you just imagine breaking an airplane!?

I cannot even begin to imagine how much it took to repair that! But the people taking the video of the accident didn’t seem to realize it as they are heard laughing their hearts out. I can’t blame them though!

Then there’s a massive shelf of expensive-looking wine that somehow went south, causing all the wine bottles to drop on the floor.

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And the owner witnessed it all!

The man was seen as discombobulated by what he was witnessing. So instead of doing anything, he just stood there and watched all his wine fall into nothingness.

The video has numerous more clips of people losing insanely expensive things. Prepare your heart before watching it!

Youtube - Hooked Source: Youtube - Hooked

Viewers had a lot to say too!

“Simultaneously painful and funny. But honestly, who the hell spends $10,000 on a cake?” one commenter said, and we just truly resonate with everything he said! My answer: well, NOT ME!

Another one said, “The ones with stuff falling over in stores is honestly the store’s fault for not investing enough in shelving.” Well, the man is not wrong here!

“It hurts when you break something expensive,” one commenter posted. “It hurts more when it’s someone else’s.” He nailed it!

Well, if you want to avoid these kinds of failures, be more careful with expensive things. It’s all too easy to drop an expensive device and break it, but that’s no reason to stop enjoying something you’ve worked hard for.

Thus, this is a friendly reminder to be extra careful!

Check out the video below to witness the expensive fails yourself.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Youtube
