Confused golden retriever has no idea what to do about 20 kittens on bed

No one would be surprised if you said that your number one life goal is to hang out on a bed that’s completely full of kittens.

This is a lovely dream that many people hope for daily, and those who don’t just haven’t seen this video yet. But the results are in, and even a dog will agree that twenty tiny kittens in one place is just about the best thing ever.

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The video begins with a shot that some might say is a video of heaven.

Then it gets even better when the camera pans over to a gorgeous golden retriever peeking over the edge of the bed. He’s clearly in a state of confusion and simultaneously hypnotized by the world’s cutest party, going on right before his eyes.

As for all of the kittens, they totally unfazed by the golden retriever. They are so entranced with each other that they barely even notice the puppy at all. These babies are busy learning the basics of cat life, like walking, laying down, and licking their fur.

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He seems to be watching the kittens like us people binge watch our favorite shows.

But clearly he hasn’t watched much TV, because otherwise, he would know that cats and dogs are supposed to chase each other around endlessly! Instead, he remains nearby and is very confused.

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In the next shot, we get a close-up of all of the grey and white kittens.

Meanwhile, the dog’s head is still resting on the edge of the bed. He looks confused, like he recognizes the babies somehow. He hops up on the bed, and with his tail calmly wagging with joy, give the nearest few kittens a sniff.

There must be a common connection between this dog and all these mesmerizing fluff balls!

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We get another clue in the next clip.

We see only six kittens now, on a different bed, but they are with their mama now! It’s completely obvious they are family, and it’s absolutely adorable just how perfectly their colors and spots all match.

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In the next clip, it finally all begins to make sense!

We see a video of the same with and grey mama cat, with a much smaller golden retriever puppy. It must be the same dog!

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These two must be old friends!

Perhaps this clip is from when they first met, because the dog is super curious, while the mama cat appears patient but disinterested. That’s pretty typical for cats and dogs who are just meeting.

So it’s no wonder the grown-up dog was so confused! He has known the mama cat his whole life, and suddenly he has stumbled upon an entire bed full of mini versions of his cat friend.

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We can’t be sure that all of the kittens came from the same mama, but it’s safe to assume that as long as the dog is around, they’ll become great pals.

This video quickly went viral and has amassed over 2.5 million views.

Viewers also left over seven hundred comments such as:

“The kitten army has taken over the bed.”

“Super cute…looks like he’s guarding the kittens when he has his head on the side of the bed.”

“The puppy is so happy to be with the kittens. Just watch his waggy tail. So adorable!!”

Watch the adorable video in full, right below, and be prepared to want a bed of kittens yourself.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube, Life With Cats
