Conjoined twins thrive after separation operation

Michelle and Bryan Mirabal were surprised when they found out that they were expecting again. The couple already had one son named Gage Allan, so having another addition to their family was such happy news for them.

Their happiness doubled when they found out that Michelle was carrying twins!

Pexels/cottonbro Source: Pexels/cottonbro

However, in just a few minutes, another news was about to turn their happiness into sadness. The doctor also told the expecting couple that the twins were conjoined and their chances of survival were very slim.

No one could have prepared the couple for the sad news that was delivered to them. They felt scared and even expected the worse.

Pexels/Gustavo Fring Source: Pexels/Gustavo Fring

They knew, for a fact, that the survival rate of conjoined twins was slim, and if they would survive, they may face problems.

Can you imagine how Michelle and Bryan felt?

Instead of celebrating and enjoying her pregnancy, Michelle received so much unsolicited advice from people. Most of them are trying to convince her that abortion is the most compassionate thing that the couple could do for their unborn babies.

Pixabay / Greyerbaby Source: Pixabay / Greyerbaby

These people would tell them that it was selfish for them to keep the babies.

“The judgment we’re getting is something else. There were people telling us we should have terminated the pregnancy. There were people telling us we shouldn’t carry this out,” Michelle said in her interview.

For a mother who’s carrying the babies, it’s not an option. Her babies were kicking, they were fighting, and they were alive. Abortion was not an option for them.

The couple chose to fight for their kids, to give their babies a chance at life. It wasn’t Michelle’s call to end two beautiful lives just because they will be born different.

They had hope and faith. The couple held on to the smallest chance that their babies would triumph and live.

Seven years ago, on December 12, 2014, the couple’s dream came true.

Michelle was able to give birth to her beautiful twins named Conner and Carter Mirabal. As expected, the twin boys had to stay in the NICU. It was what they called home for months until their surgery.

Conner and Carter underwent an operation at the Wolfson Children’s Hospital in Jacksonville. There, the twin’s family waited patiently.

After 15 long hours of surgery, the team of doctors and nurses delivered the good news. The surgery was successful, and they have been separated.

Michelle and Bryan were thankful to all the staff of Wolfson Children’s Hospital who never gave up on their twins.

After the successful survey of separating the twins, they still needed to undergo several surgeries, but their hope was strong.

“We are blessed to be going through it because this doesn’t just happen to anybody, and they are miracle babies,” recalled Michelle.

From then on, Conner and Carter have been enjoying their little steps. Each day, they make their parent’s proud by showing them how strong they are.

In fact, just last year, they graduated from pre-school!

Michelle and Bryan still look back smiling; they still recall the moment where they decided to fight for the lives of their unborn twins.

Now, the miracle boys continue to enjoy life and show everyone that they can live a normal life.

“These two have accomplished and been through so much in their short lives,” the couple shared on their Facebook. “Between being born conjoined, having a 15-hour separation surgery.

Conner and Carter have their own dedicated Facebook page. Feel free to follow their journey here. You can also share and donate to their GoFundMe account.

Today, the kids still have a long way to go before completely healing, but this doesn’t stop them from being playful kids who love life.

All thanks to their parents who never gave up on them.

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Source: Prayers for Carter & Conner, GoFundMe
