15 simple yet fancy cookie-shaping hacks to impress even the pickiest of eaters

It’s the holiday season, which practically means that it’s cookie season, too. A lot of baking, cooking, decorating, and mixing up. Let’s not forget the most delicious smells coming from the kitchen.

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So, the whole family is together, the table is full of the most amazing meals and treats. What’s the first thing you want to do? After you hug everyone and welcome them to your home. You want to make an impression. How about we start with the cookies? Here’s how to shape and bake incredibly cute sweets.

Triple swirl trick

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The part “triple” is quite self-explanatory, and you’ll be amazed by how simple this hack is. Mix three types of dough, form little balls and place them next to each other. If you’re asking yourself how to make three types of dough, just add some chocolate chips in one, and it will instantly be browner than the other two. Cooking is all about being creative. Anyway, take something with a flat surface, a plate, or a similar thing, and press those three balls. The goal is to merge them until they end up looking like the photo. Easy, right?!

Pasta decorations

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Who would have thought that you can decorate a cookie by using other food you have laying around the kitchen?! Well, you can. Take penne noodles and use them to decorate dough. Penne is firm enough, and it won’t bend when you push it into the dough. Now, use your imagination. You can form petals, or flowers, or anything you want. The best thing about it is that it’s so much fun.

Bubble wrap

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Bubble wrap is going to leave a distinctive mark, that’s why it’s so useful. The dough should be soft, and juicy. Take a roller pin, roll the dough, just be careful not to leave it too thin. Then press the bubble wrap into the dough, and voila. Magic!

Bottlecap and a straw

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Once again, take the dough, roll it, and try to get a round shape. Pick up a bottle cap, press it into the dough circle, and push. Now take the straw and drill four holes in the cookie. The goal is to make it look like a button. Cute as a button, indeed!

Beer bottle and cocoa powder

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If you ever thought about making a cookie that would look like a mushroom, here’s how to do it. Take a dough, form a ball, then grab a beer bottle and press it in the dough. You want to get a circle-shaped indentation. Pour some cocoa powder or chocolate in there, and that’s it.

Deep fry skimmer

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Take some dough, press skimmer onto it, and let it leave its trail. This is probably one of the simplest hacks ever. Nevertheless, it ends up looking so cool, and no one would imagine that you used a deep-fry skimmer to make the cookie look like that.

Citrus juicer and jam

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Make the dough, grab some, create a ball with it, roll it a bit until it’s about half an inch thick, and gently press citrus juice into the center. Then pour some jam in the well you created. It will end up looking beautiful, and you can use any jam you want. Enjoy!

Geometric ornaments

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For this trick, all you need is a cooling rack. Roll the dough out, cut it into the desired shape, then start pressing the cooling rack onto it, until you’re satisfied with the created pattern. Have fun!

Biscuit blossom

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First, take tiny portions of the dough, and roll them into small balls. Arrange the dough balls to make them look like a flower. Then grab a toothpick and gently press the center of every dough ball. The blossoming effect is stunning on this one!

Crochet cookie

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If you’re looking at the photo above and thinking about how was that pattern created – the answer might surprise you. You need a lid. Any jar lid, the best would be a peanut butter lid. Roll it over the dough and watch how those lines start appearing.

Leaf cookie

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You might have already figured out that you’ll need to roll out the dough for most of these hacks. So, roll out the dough, cut it as you wish, and grab a fork. Press the fork onto the dough, and position it diagonally, so that the end result would look like a leaf structure.

Checkerboard cookie

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Roll the dough longways. You’ll need 9 stripes of the rolled dough. Now put them in three lines, and put two more on each roll. You want to get a 3×3 shape, just like in the picture. Now cut that into thin slices, and you’ll have a checkerboard cookie.

Glass print

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If you ever paid attention to the bottom of your kitchen glasses, you might have noticed that there’s often some pattern there. Use that pattern. Roll the dough out, and press the glass onto it. The desired pattern will stay, and it will look as if you’ve carved it manually. Impressive!

Cookie tag

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Roll the dough and make it very thin. Now cut it into rectangle shapes. Slice the top corners, and make it look like the rooftop of a house. Again, use the straw to slice a hole in the middle. There you have it – a cookie that looks like a tag. Bravo!

Bowtie cookie

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Well, this hack is super simple. Slice the dough into strips, then cut the strips into small rectangles. The next step is important: gently pinch the two sides of the rectangle until the cookie gets the bowtie look. Classy!

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Source: YouTube/So Yummy; YouTube/Scrumdiddlyumptious; PixaBay; Shareably
