‘Congrats, it’s a girl!’ Police officer pulls over car for speeding, helps deliver baby

A sheriff’s deputy in Collier County Florida thought he was just on traffic patrol when he reported for duty on October 1, 2019. Little did he know, his night was going to take a very eventful and surprising turn – he would help deliver a baby!

Deputy Robert Pounds thought he was making a routine traffic stop when he noticed a driver going 15 miles over the speed limit.

YouTube/Inside Edition Source: YouTube/Inside Edition

It was 4 am on a Tuesday, so Pounds cautiously approached the car after they pulled over. However, when he finally spoke to the driver, he received an explanation for the speeding that certainly warranted the behavior.

“Officer, you have the right to stop me, I’m not gonna even lie,” Jean-Louis Wilfrid can be heard telling Pounds in dash-camera footage. “We have a baby coming out.”

The soon-to-be-mom, Fabienne Gorges, is sitting in the passenger seat screaming as Wilfrid tries his best to explain to the stunned officer what’s going on. There was quite literally a baby coming out.

“Look look,” Wilfrid said as the baby’s head can be seen crowning.

Pounds immediately called for backup and medical assistance before running back to his patrol car to put on a pair of latex gloves and grab a blanket. Within just a few moments, before the ambulance could arrive, the baby was born right on the side of the road.

YouTube/InsideEdition Source: YouTube/InsideEdition

“Congratulations, you have a baby girl,” Pounds says in the video.

Even though Pounds is a father of three himself, he’s only been present in the delivery room – he’s never actually delivered a baby before. However, the sheriff’s deputy says that he credits the training he received from the Sheriff’s Office for preparing him for this type of situation.

Sheriff’s Sgt. David Drucks received the backup call from Pounds and recalls the panic and stress in his voice while explaining the situation.

“I don’t get shook up too easily, but this was a little nerve-wrecking just because it was a newborn,” Pounds said. “My training kicked in and I just wanted to help mom and the baby.

YouTube/InsideEdition Source: YouTube/InsideEdition

The baby’s parents could not be reached for comment, however, the baby appeared to be healthy and in good hands once the ambulance arrived.

As for Pounds, he’ll definitely remember this shift for the rest of his life. He’s seen and heard of some crazy excuses for getting out of speeding tickets, but this excuse for speeding was most certainly very real – and warranted.

“You’d be surprised, there’s several excuses you get for stopping somebody for speeding,” Pounds said. “That was a pretty reasonable excuse.”

YouTube/Inside Edition Source: YouTube/Inside Edition

You can watch the astonishing footage in the video below – it all happens in the blink of an eye! Thank goodness this officer pulled them over just in time.

Continue below for the dash-cam footage of this nerve-wracking event. And this isn’t the first time cops had to help deliver a baby! Two Boston police officers helped deliver a baby in a hospital parking lot on Mother’s Day back in 2017. Mad props to our men in blue!

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H/T: USA Today
