Cop stops elderly man for speeding then ends up helping him setup new TV for his sick wife

When Officer Kevin Coates pulled over a 79-year-old man for speeding, he thought it would just be like any other traffic stop. Ask a few questions, hand him a ticket, and they’d all be on their way.

But things don’t always go according to plan. The distressed man jumped out of his car and told him:

“Everything is going wrong.”

YouTube Screenshot - Fox 2 Detroit Source: YouTube Screenshot - Fox 2 Detroit

Do you ever have one of those days, where one bad thing after another just keeps happening?

That’s how David, the elderly man who was pulled over in Sterling Heights, Michigan, must have felt that day.

Things had already gone from bad to worse, and getting pulled over by the cops for a speeding ticket was probably the last straw that broke his metaphorical camel’s back.

Flickr - Tony Webster Source: Flickr - Tony Webster

Dashcam video shows the moment the elderly man steps outside of his car and approaches Officer Coates.

It’s clear that the man is upset about something, and he almost breaks down in tears trying to explain to the officer what’s going on.

It turns out his wife is very sick, his son has a mental illness, and all he was trying to do that day was get a new TV for his wife.

YouTube Screenshot - Fox 2 Detroit Source: YouTube Screenshot - Fox 2 Detroit

“I really try to drive right,” David said. “I bought a new television today because I wanted to make my wife happy, you know, and I can’t get it hooked up.”

David had been running around town trying to find the right cables to hook up to the TV, but wasn’t having much luck.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t technically savvy enough to understand how today’s modern flatscreens are different from the old tube TVs that he was used to.

YouTube Screenshot - Fox 2 Detroit Source: YouTube Screenshot - Fox 2 Detroit

Officer Coates asked David what the problem was, but the man didn’t have a clue. He told the officer that he just didn’t know what to do with all the parts, or where to put the various cables.

That’s when Coates realized this was no longer about a speeding ticket, but about helping a man in need.

Showing some kindness and compassion towards the obviously distressed man, Officer Coates said that his partner was really good with TV installs.

YouTube Screenshot - Fox 2 Detroit Source: YouTube Screenshot - Fox 2 Detroit

Since Coates still had his police officer duties to tend to, he took down David’s phone number.

Before he left, he promised that he and his partner would stop by later on to help him hook up the TV.

An hour later, Officers Coates, Remi Verougstraete, and a new recruit, the team’s resident electronics expert, Officer Jeremy Jakushevich, also joined them.

Pixabay - Alehandra13 Source: Pixabay - Alehandra13

After helping David set up his TV, the officers showed him how to operate the remote and scroll through the different channels.

“They all came in. They moved my TV. They set it up and in a short time, they were gone. You know? I said, ‘Wow, what service.’ I didn’t expect this from the Sterling Heights Police Officers,” David said.

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Sterling Heights Police Chief Dale Dwojakowski praised the officer’s commitment to resolving this issue.

“I’m very proud of Officer Coates, Officer Verougstraete, and new recruit Officer Jakushevich for going above and beyond to help our residents,” Dwojakowski said.

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As for that speeding ticket? Well, his bad day went from good to great, because David was only given a verbal warning for that.

Watch the video below to see this kind officer lend a helping hand.

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Source: FOX 2 Detroit, Positive Outlooks
