Cops spot 100 teens dancing to ‘Uptown Funk’ and jump in with their own moves

If you are looking for entertainment, then you’ve come to the right place.

Men and women in uniform of the Saanich Police Department in Victoria, Canada decided to put on a show in front of an unsuspecting crowd.

21 Cops joined 100 students.

A total of twenty-one police officers joined forces with 100 students from nearby Spectrum Community School’s dance program to plan an epic flash mob at Uptown Shopping Center.

YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher Source: YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher

In a statement released by the Saanich Police, they said that their goal was “to create a special relationship between students and police.”

“This was achieved by participating in the dance classes with the students where cops and kids could laugh with each other and work towards a common goal of dancing together in a flash mob. Dancing in public as part of a flash mob was definitely outside of most officer’s comfort zone but they were willing to step outside the box and create a special and lasting memory for our community.”

YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher Source: YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher

If you think they just jumped and joined the flash mob on the spot, you’re terribly mistaken.

They were wholly dedicated.

The officers didn’t just attend dance classes with the students but also practiced on their own during their free time.

The choreographer of their moves was none other than the Spectrum Community School dance teacher, Lia Shannon.

After the event, she won the Chief Constable’s Citizenship Award for being one of the keys to the success of the event.

“It was truly such a surprise, I had no idea that award existed even. I was so honoured and delighted to receive it,” Shannon, told Victoria News.

“Uptown Funk” at Uptown Shopping Center.

YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher Source: YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher

The song choice was a no-brainer.

They wouldn’t have it any other way than choosing Bruno Mars’ hit song. It’s groovy, lively, and upbeat – the ingredients needed for a successful flashmob.

The surprise performance was professionally recorded by Roll Focus Productions.

The video was uploaded on YouTube and the official version has already been viewed by over 100,000 people online.

YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher Source: YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher

Preparing for a flashmob involving 121 people is no joke, let alone pulling it off.

However, the group proved to be beyond ready when they stopped the shoppers in their tracks that day and made them watch, some even took their phones out and recorded their 4-minute performance.

“My advanced dancers start it and then I had the rest of my dancers come in, so I had about 100 dancers, and then the police are acting like, what’s going on? And then they come in and that’s when they surprise the crowd,” Shanon said.

YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher Source: YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher

Despite being recognized for the success of the event, Shannon commended the mastermind of the flashmob, Niki Sundher, a member of Saanich Police’s community engagement division.

They only had 4 days practice.

YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher Source: YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher

Shannon said, “My dancers practiced every day, the whole day, for those four days.”

Despite their regular job as police officers, all 21 of them took the task seriously by attending dance classes whenever possible.

Even at 2 a.m.

Yep, Shannon even arranged 2 AM practices just to fit into their schedules.

Shannon was just so impressed with their dedication and their willingness to learn the dance.

What they did was literally “go above and beyond” their duties as enforcers of the law.

YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher Source: YouTube Screenshot - Niki Sundher

The flash mob definitely entertained the crowd that day, but overall, their ultimate accomplishment was being able to build a strong connection between the students and the police.

Watch them all bounce to Bruno Mar’s “Uptown Funk” in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Shareably – See It Live, YouTube – Niki Sundher
