Police officers walk on stage and steal the spotlight from Kelly Clarkson

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

Kelly Clarkson came from a modest family. Unlike some, she’s never forgotten her roots, as this video proves.

Today, Kelly Clarkson is one of the world’s most successful musicians. She’s sold millions of records all around the world. And she’s earned every ounce of her success.

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Whenever Clarkson goes on tour, likes to support the little guy. She knows what it’s like to struggle to be heard in a world where all the opportunities go to the rich kids.

One video really shows how Clarkson does this.

Before a concert in Des Moines, Iowa, Clarkson got talking to two cops that were on duty at the venue. The officers mentioned that they were aspiring singers themselves.

So during the concert, she had a surprise for them.

Clarkson invited the cops on stage and let them sing a song.

KCCI/YouTube Source: KCCI/YouTube

The cops were amazed. They took the mics and readied themselves.

The musicians started playing their instruments. They played the timeless beat to Stand By Me.

One of the cops sang the opening lyrics, “When the night has come.” He was perfectly in key and had great timing.

KCCI/YouTube Source: KCCI/YouTube

He also played to the audience really well. This guy had talent! But what about the other one?

The second cop began harmonizing with the first. Their voices melded together really well.

KCCI/YouTube Source: KCCI/YouTube

Then Clarkson encouraged the crowd to sing along with the cops.

The cops and the crowd all chanted, “Darling, darling, darling, stand by me, oooh, stand by me.” Everyone in the room was clearly loving this moment.

KCCI/YouTube Source: KCCI/YouTube

Eventually, the cops completed the song. Clarkson told the crowd to cheer for them. But the crowd needed no encouragement.

Then Clarkson hugged the cop who had done the bulk of the singing. Next, she gave the other cop a hug.

KCCI/YouTube Source: KCCI/YouTube

After this, Clarkson had a mini-interview with the cops.

To the one who had done most of the singing, she asked him to recount the story of how he had met his wife at a karaoke bar.

KCCI/YouTube Source: KCCI/YouTube

Luckily, someone was filming this performance. The footage then appeared on YouTube, where it soon made quite an impact. To date, the video has gained over 850,000 views. It also has more than 14,000 likes.

Clarkson used to work a range of unshowy jobs before she found her fame and fortune.

Addictedtokellyc/Instagram Source: Addictedtokellyc/Instagram

At times, she has to promote Red Bull, work at a movie theater, work in telemarketing and work as a waitress. So she really knows what it’s like to work hard!

Clarkson is a fantastic role model for aspiring people from poor backgrounds.

Yes, it can be a challenge to get ahead when there are so many people who have the advantage of coming from wealthy backgrounds. But if you strive, like Clarkson did, you can succeed!

Stronger_kellyclarkson/Instagram Source: Stronger_kellyclarkson/Instagram

Of course, Clarkson’s eventual path to fame was American Idol. But there are many ways for aspiring talents to succeed. You’ve just got to keep on trying!

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Source: KCCI, Web Archive
