Couple tries to adopt cat and end up coming home with hugging brothers instead

hugging cats

Adopting any animal is a big decision. While it’s fun and exciting to welcome a new pet into your home, it’s also a big responsibility. There is a lot to think about.

You’ve got to get acquainted with their diets, their sleep routine, any health problems that may arise, and so much more. Honestly, it’s an entire education unto itself.

That’s why people usually only get one new pet at a time. But, sometimes, that’s beyond your control. Especially when animals have a mind of their own.

Meet Marlow and Mittens, the cat huggers.

hugging cats
Facebook/Grace Serena Source: Facebook/Grace Serena

These two little guys are brothers. Can’t you see the family resemblance?

These poor little guys were found together as strays. They were taken to the RSPCA shelter in hopes of being adopted.

The people at the shelter assumed it would be best to adopt out each cat separately because it’s usually pretty hard to get two cats adopted to the same home.

But, Marlow and Mittens had a plan of their own. Call it kitty power!

hugging cats
Facebook/Grace Serena Source: Facebook/Grace Serena

Who could separate two kittens who are hugging? Nobody, right? Exactly.

So, when Grace and her partner decided they wanted to adopt a cat, Marlow caught their eye on the RSPCA website. When they went to meet him, they also saw Mittens.

Seeing the two little guys hugging just melted their hearts. That’s when they knew what they had to do.

It was pretty clear that these brothers weren’t letting go and, thanks to the generosity of Grace and her partner, they didn’t have to.

They adopted both cat one AND cat 2. After all, they didn’t want to break up the family!

Facebook/Grace Serena Source: Facebook/Grace Serena

The couple told The Dodo that they assumed the kittens would have a tough time adjusting to their new environment. But, they were wrong.

These little cat brothers settled right in as though they belonged there the whole time.

hugging cats
Facebook/Grace Serena Source: Facebook/Grace Serena

“They were initially inquisitive and then immediately made themselves right at home and in our bed,” Grace explained.

Grace and her partner say they’ve never regretted their decision. They truly love that they’ve adopted both of these little kittens.

hugging cats
Facebook/Grace Serena Source: Facebook/Grace Serena

In case you were wondering, cuddling is really good for your cat’s health.

In a study it was found that a group of shelter cats that received daily positive interaction, such as cuddling, were less likely to develop an upper-respiratory infection by the end of the study.

The group of cats that didn’t get a lot of cuddling or interaction were also found to fall ill more often than the first group.

Since Marlow and Mittens are big huggers, they should be pretty healthy!

Here’s another little fun fact about cats. When they lick you to show affection, it not only lets them get to know your scent, but it also makes them feel more relaxed.

That makes purr-fect sense to us! A relaxed kitty is a happy kitty, after all. Wouldn’t you agree?

We are so grateful that Grace and her partner decided not to try and split these hugging brother kitties up. In a world like this one, animals need all of the love and affection they can get in life.

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Source: The Dodo
