Couple has card declined while trying to buy for kids but woman in line won’t let it slide

This couple just wanted to get their children presents for Christmas.

After all, Christmas is about giving and family, right? Unfortunately, they ran into a big problem that would prevent them from giving happiness to their children.

Ben Hendley was waiting in line at Walmart in Canton, Texas to get his Santa stuff.

Usually, he would go to the self-checkout line but his purchase needed to be rung up by an actual cashier.

There was a couple of people in front of him, including the couple mentioned, and a woman.

Ben witnessed something awesome.

Instagram - Jennifer Sundt Source: Instagram - Jennifer Sundt

He was waiting for his turn when the problem happened.

The couple’s card was declined.

They tried it again and again but it was repeatedly declined.

Now, normally, if you were the next person in line, you’d be annoyed and frustrated at the hold-up.

Facebook - Ben Hendley Source: Facebook - Ben Hendley

This person was different.

She witnessed the problem and decided to do something about it. She told the couple she was going to pay for it because it was Christmas.

They found out that the couple was passing through Canton from Fort Worth to get to their real destination two hours away.

The couple was so excited about their purchases because they were going to a family Christmas get-together.

Instagram - Texas Lovers Source: Instagram - Texas Lovers

That’s why their bill was high.

When the woman (who was actually from Mississippi) offered to pay for everything, they were shocked and embarrassed.

The woman said that it was okay because they can try her credit card.

When they used her credit card, they still had the same problem. It was declined.

“It’s a couple [of] hundred dollars. So? God’s blessed me, so I’m going to bless you,” the woman from Mississippi, whose name is Joyce Hargrave, insisted.

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The couple tried to stop her because it was a lot of money.

And do you know what Joyce said?

She flat-out refused them.

“I don’t care. I’m going to bless you like God’s blessed me,” Joyce replied.

Now, who could possibly say no to that, right?

Later, when Ben was done with his purchase, he saw Joyce and her car in the parking lot. He saw the license plate, which said “GOD SNT.”

Facebook - Ben Hendley Source: Facebook - Ben Hendley

Joyce was definitely God Sent.

This wasn’t her regular Walmart. In fact, she doesn’t even live in the state of Texas.

But her heart was too big and too generous not to help out these folks. She was meant to be at that Walmart store at that time.

Ben was able to get in touch with Joyce even after this incident. He found out that Joyce was just a generous person in general.

Facebook - Joyce Hargrave Source: Facebook - Joyce Hargrave

She is a person who will always give as much as she can all the time.

“Making a difference around the world. This is not only me, this is us as a whole God-sent team,” Joyce always said. “When you do things secretly, God rewards you openly … Trust his process & remember always make a difference no matter what! You do what God tells you to do and don’t ask questions. It’s only being obedient.”

Instagram - Banazola Foundation Source: Instagram - Banazola Foundation

You may not believe this story but that doesn’t mean it’s not true.

It’s a lesson for all of us that, in this harsh world, let’s always choose to be kind.

By the way, they later found out that the card reader was malfunctioning.

Their cards were working fine.

It really was an opportunity to bless someone and be blessed.

Instagram - Jordyn Ashley Creations Source: Instagram - Jordyn Ashley Creations

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Source: Facebook – Ben Hendley, FOX 4 News
